Storing fat in thighs!

So when I started this I wanted to lose some stomach fat and body fat, but mostly, I wanted to lose THIGH fat! I have lost quite a bit in my stomach. It looks flat in clothes, and I am working on it getting toned in a bikini. But mostly, I am concerned that I have always had "thicker" bottom half than top half. My legs would never be mistaken as 'chicken' legs. lol I would love to lose inches in my thighs! Anybody have any tried and true methods for slimmer, toned thighs? or who sympathizes with me?? lol


  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    I can definitely sympathize! My legs have slimmed up a lot and are a lot more toned after doing my Jillian Michaels' workouts! She is a big fan of lunges, something I am not! But it works!
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I'm a thicker bottom half person too. I did some reading about that. We put more weight on our legs and that goes for both fat and muscle. Instead of having the 'stubborn belly fat' problem, we have the stubborn thighs. The good news is that studies have shown that we're less prone to heart disease than the stubborn belly fat or fat neck people.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Here's an article about this with some exercise tips. Basically do a lot of cardio.
  • NetteH13
    NetteH13 Posts: 28 Member
    I can definitely relate. Lunges are probably your best friend in this case. If you by chance walk, run, treadmill, or whatever trying adding ankle weights. I've lost fat in my thighs, and I owe it to squats and lunges.
  • kristenlees122
    i can totally relate. i lost quite a bit in my thighs in the last few months, they are still big in my eyes, but smaller than they were. i noticed a change when i started running consistently (3+ times a week) and upped my squats and lunges. i'm a weird one where i actually enjoy lunges and squats lol. good luck :)
  • bebreli
    bebreli Posts: 229 Member
    I hear ya! My goal currently is just to wear shorts (not a bikini yet) cause those darn thighs.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I am bottom heavy, too... I look like a skinny ***** on top. I have little chicken arms. So puney. But my butt and legs are much bigger. You can't spot reduce, though. When I started losing weight, it came off my legs first. I lose pant sizes but not shirt sizes.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Lots of people have good suggestions (you can't "spot reduce", increase your cardio, etc), but I'd also like to suggest stretching.

    If your hip flexors (front of your hip), iliacus muscle (lower back/pelvis), psoas muscle (hip-to-pelvis), or quadriceps (knee-to-front of hip) are tight, it causes your skeleton to be out of alignment, so your thigh muscles (and lower back) will need to be stronger in order to hold you upright in this misaligned position. Your thighs will get this strength by adding muscle fibers and looking more bulky. In modern society, where we spend much more time sitting at desks than walking/standing, this is actually a really common problem for lots of people. A good way to work on it are front of hip and lower back stretches combined with core strengthening. (A good core strengthening exercise should have you holding a pose for a lot of time - like 1-2 minutes in "plank" in yoga - rather than doing a bunch of repeated movements, like crunches. Since in real life, you want your core to be strong continuously, not just in short, repeated bursts.)
  • logthis
    logthis Posts: 2
    Cardio involving plyometrics is great, if your joints can take it. Otherwise, walking (higher inclines, fastish pace), step mill, elliptical. Cycling or rowing machine if joints are bad. Running is supposed to be the bees knees for thighs, according to the internet. I tried it for a while. Ruined my joints (as happens to many) and didn't get as good results as with the other cardio - legs were thinner but shapeless. Only got a nice line with plyo & weights.

    If you're not doing any weightlifting at all (though you should!), you could try HIIT or regular interval training. Otherwise tag on 20-40 mins of a mix of those machines after lifting (difficult to schedule recovery times right with both lifting & hiit).

    Eating fish or taking fish oil capsules is *supposed* to help with leptin, which is part of the thigh problem.

    Mainly, watch cals, though.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I actually got the worst of both worlds. Not only do I have the thick bottom half, but I also have a large skeletal frame for my height. I'm 5' 9" with wrists and ankles over 8 and 10 inches respectively, so I've always been just thick all over, but bottom heavy as well. For me, cardio, especially jogging, is absolute hell. Even before I gained my weight, when I was in the Army I could do more pushups than anyone in my company, but as soon as we started to run I was in my own private hell of burning brimstone. I've still got a lot of fat to lose yet, but I can squat 280 lbs 25 times. My upper body strength needs serious catch up work.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    i TOTALLY SYMPATHIZE!! It's where I carry most of my body fat too...... cardio cardio cardio... nuthin else you can really do! It'll eventually slim down, when it's all that's left lol
  • annabanana1786
    annabanana1786 Posts: 48 Member
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I carry it all in my thighs. I used to have a big belly, but thats gone. Thighs still bigger than I would like

    You cannot spot reduce. Try adding squats and deadlifts to a lifting routine to protect the muscle. Just have to lose body fat all over. thighs will be last for our body type
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    i TOTALLY SYMPATHIZE!! It's where I carry most of my body fat too...... cardio cardio cardio... nuthin else you can really do! It'll eventually slim down, when it's all that's left lol

    I wouldn't say cardio cardio cardio

    Lift weights and remain in a calorie deficit. It will come off with time.
  • sylwiasta
    sylwiasta Posts: 43 Member
    oh wow! I thought I am the only one with that problem. Would love to find "the cure" for big thighs. I am 5'9" and my thighs are 22" around. I fit in size 8 clothes in my hips but my waist and my thighs do not allow me to enjoy clothing in that size :( I have to get stuff size bigger so I do not look like a sausage :( I started boot camp this week and between will work with Jillian (30 days shred), walk and run. We will see after 1st week :) hopefully cardio IS the answer
  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    Spin class does wonders for thighs!
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I recently started doing lunges. I did some weighted? squats yesterday so I guess I will continue with this and try out some of the other suggestions! My thighs have lost about 2.5 " a piece and down to about 23" a piece. Hate thick legs. My calves are big too but don't bother me nearly as much as thighs. Thanks all!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    For my hips and thighs, lots of walking, elliptical, squats and lunges. Result over 6 inches gone from thighs and 9 from hips. Don't neglect lower back, glut and hamstrings. Women's quads tend to be overly developed.
  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
    Here's an article about this with some exercise tips. Basically do a lot of cardio.

  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    if thats where you store it then youre thighs are always going to be your problem area!! you cant shift where you have more fat cells than other. when we lose or gain weight we always stay the shape 'shape' sucks in ways, but you can tone etc to make them look reallllll nice :)