so which one is best Insanity, P90X, P90x2, Asylum?



  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    None. Save your money. There are much more effective and efficient ways of achieving your goal (I am assuming fat loss is your goal). I would recommend replacing them with a more traditional resistance training routine (along with a bit of cardio).

    Make no mistake, I am not saying that you won't see results with those routines if you are new (at least early on). But note that when you are a newbie, you will see results with just about any stimulus from any non-idiotic routine. It's called the newbie effect (or honeymoon period).

    P90x and those other routines are just a hell of a lot of trouble for minimal, sub-optimal results. They do have a great marketing scheme so I understand why people want to do it. But just so you know, there is no such thing as "muscle confusion".
    If you are willing to accept muscle loss as a part of your results, then p90x, insanity, etc. are fine.

    See my pic for the sub optimal results and muscle loss!!!:laugh:

    You poor thing! You look like you're withering away.... here, eat something! I brought lasagna for lunch!

    I do P90X and my results will be "sub optimal" BUT only because life is getting in the way of following a good diet and exercise routine (we are in the process of moving and building a whole new yard). I have done 60 days before and my results were anything but "sub optimal"! I LOVE P90X and since having great results the last time, I recommend it to anyone who will listen :).

    Good luck on the yard, that's sure to be some good exercise! How exciting :D I do want to try P90X and Insanity at some point, also 30DS since I've seen such great results at it. Woohoo y'all got me psyched...
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    None. Save your money. There are much more effective and efficient ways of achieving your goal (I am assuming fat loss is your goal). I would recommend replacing them with a more traditional resistance training routine (along with a bit of cardio).

    Make no mistake, I am not saying that you won't see results with those routines if you are new (at least early on). But note that when you are a newbie, you will see results with just about any stimulus from any non-idiotic routine. It's called the newbie effect (or honeymoon period).

    P90x and those other routines are just a hell of a lot of trouble for minimal, sub-optimal results. They do have a great marketing scheme so I understand why people want to do it. But just so you know, there is no such thing as "muscle confusion".
    If you are willing to accept muscle loss as a part of your results, then p90x, insanity, etc. are fine.

    See my pic for the sub optimal results and muscle loss!!!:laugh:

    You poor thing! You look like you're withering away.... here, eat something! I brought lasagna for lunch!

    Love lasgana! Thanks..I am hungry too.
    BTW, the guy in the pic does P90X too...he's withering away too.:laugh:
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    You can google them and they have comparisons. Just depends on what you're looking for. All are great workouts. You can go o hs website I found on accident the other day and get these for $65 plus shipping. That's a lot cheaper than $120 they normally run.

    I'd be careful of a site like that - those are likely bootleg copies which means you won't get the guides that come with the programs, and if one of the DVDs doesn't work you can't get it replaced.

    Actually, there is such a thing as "muscle confusion" - you can look it up over on The concept has been around since Ah-nold won his first Mr. Olympia!

    Oh if it says so on then it must be true. :laugh:
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I tried P90x for a while, I thought it was too hard for a newbie like me, I went down to P90 (the older version, it is just a basic weight and cardio program) and found it something I can stick too. Once I get into a little better shape I will go back to p90x
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Any program you will dedicate yourself to 100% and stick to it for at least 12 weeks is best.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I got a workout called Supreme 90. It's a P90 'knock off' and MUCH cheaper ($20) I LOVE it, even tho, as many say I can't do ALL the exercises. I like the variety, they're challenging but not too hard to do and I am getting results.

    I also like Karen Voight.- you don't see her mentioned on here. I found her on netflix & have her 'slim physique' DVD and IT REALLY DOES WORK. Everyone who knew me 'before' calls me 'thin' and 'skinny' now, tho I'm not but somehow her workouts make you LOOK thin. AND they are challenging without being impossibly difficult- and lower impact than say, jillian (who I love but is too hard on my old, fat joints) I REALLY like the results I got with Karen and will keep doing her workouts. I'm just challenging myself for 90 days with this Supreme workout - I started April 1 and am excited to see the final reveal on July 4.

    Bottom line, the best workout is the one YOU LIKE AND WILL DO. Doesn't matter what it is, if you don't like it & don't do it, it isn't any good for YOU ~
  • shortcaketx
    shortcaketx Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and feedback. I do pretty good on my eating, I really try and follow the eat clean diet regiment (if u havent read it please do packed with great info) I also am doing the couch to 5k from fitness magazine along with 2 days upper body weight training and 2 days lower body weight training. I feel great and have lost 16lbs since begininng of Feburary. I like the sports style fitness training and love to push myself , that is why I was interested in these programs. I am seeking treadmill, and home gym for my house and have an array of dvds mainly jillians, but want a high intense program where I am crying for weeks from the workout ;) I love to have a major intense ab workork for home, and a workout for definition of my upper body, and of course lose inches in my thighs. I am doing well but want to keep myself focused and challenged. blessings to you all on your journey to fitness and great health.
  • nursetrev08
    I was able to buy some of the work out videos at bookmans. I have Insanity, I really felt accompished with the first two months but truly I didn't lose any wt. I did have body changes. I lost 2 sizes. I much perfer using strength building w/ cardio
  • VirginiaWoof
    I'm curious about the nutrition program included in Insanity...can anyone help me out?