Eating terribly one the next?



  • jpbeck
    jpbeck Posts: 30
    I've had a few terrible eating days, today was one with lunch (who would of thought 12 oz of cubed roasted chicken breast would have a lot of calories). But it didn't let me down. I take it as a learning experience because since I am new with this whole dieting thing and counting calories I had to have a new relationship with food. With any new relationship there is going to be trial and error so I took it as it is, learned something, and moved on with the learned lesson.

    Tomorrow I am going to see how many slices of roast beef they use at the place where I get my wraps to see if I get another shocker. :)

    But I have been told fasting is bad and really doesn't help in the long run, actually been told it will make it worse metabolism wise.
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    Well Sunday I didn't eat well at ALL. I didn't weigh myself this morning but I'm assuming there's some extra on me (I guess we'll see tomorrow morning!) I ate all my calories today, exercised a bit more, but was just curious because I saw some status updates stating fasting....I wanted to see everyone's opinion on the matter. Seems that majority is ruling to just go back to normal (which is what I did!)

    Hopefully won't have another bad day in a very big while...thanks all!
  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    I cut about 200 calories the next day even if I ate waaaaaay over that the day before and then I just go back to normal.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I always try to make sure my week averages out, I know some days are just going to be bigger days and others are going to be smaller intake. I will, if I know I'm going somewhere special (rare) , exercise and plan for a big meal so that I'm a bit in the deficit when it is meal time. I think making sure your weeks average out is what matters, but everyone is different and it has to work for you.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Fasting is horrible for your body. It puts it into starvation mode, slowing your metabolism, and then makes you so incredibly hungry that you will overeat to feed your hunger. Do not fast! If you feel you must do an extra workout, okay, but just get back on your healthy routine.


    I just resume as normal. Might be slightly more active than usual or lower intake slightly.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    My husband and I have a cheat meal every week and the following day we start over but do a low carb day. I usually feel sick the next day anyways from crappy food even 24 hrs later so the low carbs definetly help.
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    Picking up where you left off is the best advice (as most people are saying) but I can certainly identify with wanting to have a bigger calorie deficit the day after a bad day. :) I go into full on panic mode, where it's all I can think about. But that's just my neurosis kicking in - I really don't think fasting the next day is helpful or healthy.
  • USMCConditioning
    Today actually is my freebie day where i don't have to eat the same ole' food. So i let loose a little bit, of course, i feel like crap for it. But tomorrow i will be up nice and early like always, and if it's nice and sunny, i'll be going for a nice 5mile run. if not, i'll be on a treadmill/elliptical.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    On the days that I just screw up...i just start fresh the next day. Since it rarely happens, it has not been a problem.

    I do have a "cheat day" or a "splurge day" on every if I get a crazy temptation, I try to hold off until Friday. There have been weeks that I messed up on a Tuesday and still did my "cheat Friday"

    So far, I have not gained any weight from doing this once a week.
  • Arestoktra
    I would just resume the routine. Even if you see some extra in tomorrow's scale, if will go away in a few days with your routine.
  • dt1193
    dt1193 Posts: 1
  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    Try to eat a little less, that's about it. Going crazy in order to 'compensate' seems stupid to me. It alright, you ****ed it up for one day. Forgive yourself and move on + get back on track. It was just one day...won't kill you.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Did you tally the calories for your terrible eating day? If not, there is really no way to know how to proceed from there. Theoretically, you could see how many calories you went over and deduct them from your calorie intake the next day or over the next several days. You would be back at square one as though the terrible eating day had not occurred.