

  • heatherterp
    heatherterp Posts: 239
    do you weigh and measure all your food or do you guess how much is a cup an oz? I found when I did not used the measuring cups and spoons I would sometimes over guess how much is a cup. Drink plenty of water. Non sugary drinks and eat fresh foods. 7 weeks for 15 pounds is possible, but you have to honest- put down everything that you eat. Make sure you take an extra walk everyday. you have to do more than the norm to drop the pounds. you also have to have faith in yourself that you can do it. do not give up. I know you are frustrated but inches are good too. Best of Luck!
  • cincymomof3
    cincymomof3 Posts: 329 Member
    I agree with the recs to find one thing and stick to it (my fave path is eating enough to net over my bmr b/c food is awesome) and to measure and record everything that passes your lips. I actually don't agree that the type of foods you eat matter, but I do find healthier foods allow me to eat a lot more. Restrictions make me fall off the wagon and binge. The hardest thing for me to learn so far has been slow and steady wins the race. I only lose consistently when I aim for 1/2 lb loss a week. Last thing, be patient. If you stick it out, you will eventually make it to your goal! Good luck!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Do you weigh solid food and measure liquids to get the accurate calorie count?
    Do you use an HRM or other device to estimate calories burned? (machines and MFP may be way off on calories burned)
    Have you had your thyroid checked?
    Are you getting enough sleep?
    Are you under stress?
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Drink. Water, coffee, green tea, whatever. Then drink some more. Flush your system.
    I also have the best luck when I cut down processed carbs. For 5 weeks I avoided bread and sugar. I have lots of lean protein, lots of veg and I get my sugars from fruit (and a tiny piece of dark chocolate every night). For the past few weeks I've been slowly adding slow-digesting carbs back in. Brown rice, oatmeal, etc. For a while I just ate a little every other day and I'm expanding my list and eating a little every day. I had bread for the first time in over a month yesterday. It was amazing. I'm still avoiding white flour and sugar.
    I've lost 6 pounds in the past month and I'm flirting with the 7th (I increased my exercise and I always retain water when I do that. It'll go down in a week or so). I was meeting my calorie goals before, but I wasn't losing anything. Changing what I eat has made a world of difference.