Any EMS/Fire/Police Wives here?



  • alharbour
    alharbour Posts: 116 Member
    LOVE all my new friends I have gotten thru this thread! Thanks girls!
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    We moved 15 months ago to a new town and I have had a very hard time "fitting in". The friends I have made have husbands who work Mon-Fri 8-5 and never work weekends or holidays. 3 Sundays out of the month, it is just my girls and I at church and alot of times it is just me that goes to the school events. People from our church think he is a bad husband and father because of his line of work and see me as a victim. I am not....he worked EMS when I met him and when I married him, so I knew what I was getting into. I am proud of what he does, and that he does it very well. It is a different way of life, with a different schedule. I am looking for other women here whom can identify with the struggles and challenges of this lifestyle, mainly the aspects finding time to workout, time for ourselves, and staying on track with good eating, not just grabbing something that is quick and easy!

    I know how you feel we moved right before I got pregnant (about 2 years ago). And, most of the woman I have met do not get the hetic schedules. Every time there is an event at my sons daycare ~ it never fails one of the other parents will say is it just you again? They make it sound like I have something they might catch. I just have to laugh sometimes.
  • alharbour
    alharbour Posts: 116 Member
    Bumping this up to see if there are any more gals!
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    As you can guess I am one of those ff/emt people. it is a hectic schedule and it is even more hectic when both of your are ff/emt. trying to schedule time together let alone a meal. Even though I access to a gym I prefer to go to a local private one. It does take a special person to understand why we do what we do. It also takes a very special person to raise the family technically as a single parent. The next ime anyone says anything to you about attending event by yourself say "Your Welcome" My husband/wife are at work protecting what you hold dear and placing themselves in harms way. So you are welcome.
  • pinepl
    pinepl Posts: 19 Member
    My husband is a Detective and I am an ER nurse. We have always had very strange working hours, sometimes he was on nights and I would be on day shift or I would be on nights and he would be on day shift. He is now mainly through the week with on call for 2 weeks at a time. I still work 12 hour shifts and on cal for the ER. I have been a nurse for 25 years and have seen my weight creep up to over 200lbs. I am losing the weight slow and steady. I usually exercise even on the days I work I make that time. Glad to meet everyone on here.
  • tobafa
    tobafa Posts: 344 Member
    Thank you guys for putting up with all the wierd things that go on in our lives. Hopefully your husbands don't bring it home too oftern. :D
  • SoxxEBeotch
    SoxxEBeotch Posts: 17 Member
    My husband started his career as a Fire Fighter/EMT, then went on to be an EMTS for about 10 years. He then went to working at a local hospital as an ER Tech, which led to him working on their then newly formed Cardiac Care ambulance type thing (sorry, I can't remember what they called it specifically lol). He loved working the road, but the money just wasn't there. He sought out a position in the Cardiac Cath Lab as a CVT (cardio vascular tech). He received about a $4/hr raise, but soon after, began to miss the road again. He hasn't gone back, but I hear a lot about it. He now has changed hospitals, for a better atmosphere (unfortunately not better demographically, but...) and also more pay. He's now a CIS (cardio invasive specialist). He's learning things at this hospital that the former one wouldn't even let him consider. But I know his heart is still on the road :) I've tried convincing him to look into doing a paid on call type thing with our local fire dept. He always says he'll think about, yet just keeps doing what he does. I think he's afraid he'll go back to it, and end up leaving the hospital. We both know that being on the road doesn't pay anywhere near as well as being a CIS. I think he doesn't want the temptation :)
  • MamaSonyaP
    MamaSonyaP Posts: 90 Member
    My husband is a police officer, and has been since I met him. We have three, (almost four!) children, and with juggling his schedule, the kids and my workouts while pregnant, it's nothing less than exhausting! Add me if you'd like, I love other police/ems wives...we're a rare breed!
  • SamanthaTheSpartan
    I am myself a volunteer EMT. I'd love to meet any other EMS workers...Fire and Police too...I guess ;p
  • MamaSonyaP
    MamaSonyaP Posts: 90 Member
    I should add that my hubby is a Forensic Officer, here in Canada. My children always ask, 'Is daddy sleeping, or is he at work?'. I think it's so cute how they adapt easier than me to his schedule. At least he's uploaded his five week rotating schedule to my iPhone so it's easy for me to plan birthdays/vacations/events.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    well I'm not a wife of one of the listed, but my husband fits the schedule thing. I'm married to a funeral director. He is on-call 24/7/365. We always have to take phones where ever we go, and be ready to leave at any moment. It's much easier now that my 5 kids are teens or older. I remember leaving the kids with my husband so I could grocery shop in peace and then having to leave a 1/2 full cart(can't even take time to pay for them), cause he had a call. My kids totally understood the we will do "such and such", IF daddy doesn't have a call
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Husband is a firefighter/paramedic...Works 24 on and 48 off....I work as a police dispatcher...was on the night shift for about 11 years.....just went to day shift at the request of my husband for a more "normal" schedule....he is happy...i'm not so sure yet...I work 12 hour shifts and it is sooooo hard to get up in the mornings. I loved sleeping during the day.
    San :)
  • alharbour
    alharbour Posts: 116 Member
    Hubby is a full time firefighter/paramedic. It can be so hard at times especially with me working nights full time and a 2 year old at home. I feel horrible for my son because he is not on any type of schedule. I wouldn't have it any other way though. I am so proud of my husband and the work that he does. It does make for a hard home life but it takes special women to be married to these men!

    I never have thought of myself as a strong woman, but compared to other women I know who are my own age..... I have friends who are scared to stay by themselves at night, can't drive out of town without their husbands and have to have him at home every night to help with bedtime routines with the kids. My husband is gone at night more than he is home. Don't let my big hair and high heels fooI ya, I will do what I need to do to protect my kids and myself while my husband is working! I also believe it does take a special kind of woman! :0)
  • alharbour
    alharbour Posts: 116 Member
    Thank you guys for putting up with all the wierd things that go on in our lives. Hopefully your husbands don't bring it home too oftern. :D

    My husband never brings it home. Sometimes I wish he would. I would be willing to listen to anything he needed to talk about. He is very good at separating work from home life. In 11 years of marriage and all the horrific car wrecks and other traumas he has worked, only one time has he called and woke me up in the night to talk about it. It was a head on collision involving a mom in a minivan and it hit a little too close to home.
  • SharleenSeas
    Police Officer and married to a police officer. Yes, hectic schedules are difficult but it what police officers/firefighters love to do! No, church is not attended every Sunday. Civilians do not realize, we attend church in our own way, and pray for God to be with us on a daily basis. People do not have to physically attend church in order to believe in God. So when your husband is not attending church on a Sunday morning, he remains ready to assist others who may be in a desperate situation. A nice response would be; he is busy trying to assist others to see a different way of life, thanks for your concern. hang in there and stay positive!
  • JillBell1
    I'm a volunteer EMT and my husband is a volunteer firefighter and has his own landscaping business and a full-time haz-mat job where he works a 48 hour shift every weekend. I'm a stay at home mom, for the time being, with our 2 children (4 and 2). When my husband started his haz-mat job full-time he was supposed to be in training for 6 weeks 2 hours away so he stayed at a hotel Monday-Friday and came home on the weekends. This was extremely hard at first and what was supposed to be 6 weeks of training turned into 10 weeks because they didn't want to give up the manpower until they absolutely had to. So now that he's done his training, he does his landscaping Monday-Thursday and leaves for his haz-mat job Friday-Sunday. Sorry for all the details, but I had to paint a picture of how hard this adjustment was for our kids especially! As far as volunteering goes, my husband always seems to get fire calls at holidays and family get together which can be frustrating. :P I volunteer as an EMT only a couple nights a week, but I have to stay at the squad because I'm a few minutes too far to respond quickly enough. My kids say, "Mommy, do you have boo-boo duty tonight?" :P All of this makes it hard to make healthy meals because kids don't want any of that haha. I find it hard to get motivated to make a nice nutritious meal knowing it will only be a small portion. It seems like too much hard work! I'm trying to get motivated to work out and eat healthy and I was doing great until Easter weekend! Now I just have to focus and get rid of this extra weight!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
  • Andr1Kar
    Andr1Kar Posts: 18 Member
    My husband is a police officer also. He works 10-9:30 right now and I work full time 7-5, so by the time he gets home I am ready to head for bed and he is sleeping when I go to work! He doesn't work a consistant amount of days. Sometimes its 5 days in a row, sometimes 7, 2, 3,....I never know. We also have a daughter under the age of one, so after work I'm busy taking care of her. This leaves little time to exercise, but I'm trying! Friend me if you want!
  • Carrie5597
    My husband is a police officer, I just started on this site and am really liking it so far