Need a hug :(



  • loftus2005
    I did, and I didn't. I loved it because I got to eat all naughty stuff, but with every bite I just felt guiltier and guiltier. Just don't know whether the guilt is worth the occasional splurge anymore!

    I have felt the same way! I try to give myself a cheat day once in awhile but I get that guilty feeling. Im afraid of going back to how I used to be with my eating habits! dont beat yourself up over it!! Its a new day! forgettaboutit!!! :):):)
  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 427 Member
    I was fine until Sunday myself and then went to the in-laws where I started and then continued to make bad food choices for the rest of the day. I also felt pretty crappy yesterday, but then did my workout and felt so much better afterwards. We're only human and every has a hick-up now and then...don't beat yourself up. Just get back up, dust yourself off and continue your journey! You got this!!!
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    It's okay once in a while to splurge, Just don't do it all the time. I ate a huge Easter dinner...... It was a holiday after all. Tomorrow's a new day and a new start. Let's do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Add me if you would like :smile:
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member

    I have stumbled a bit too. Couldn't work out for a week due to back problems, tried to eat better but just kind of lost the ooomph, I guess. I'm back on the wagon though and feeling good. We all deserve a break every once in a while. Just got to get back on track and never give up completely!
  • timherrmann
    Ok, Here's my take. Two years ago, my house underwent a mjor remodel, because we were adding an inlaw suite. I read up on the subject and realized not one time did everything during a major remodel go right--just doesn't happen. So, I warned both my Wife and my Mom (the person the suite was for) and most importantly myself: This remodel is going to, at one point, go bad. It's going to go over budget, and there are going to be delays. No way arond it. Now--do we want to stress and get upset when that happens, or do we want to be comfortable in the knowledge we know thengs are not going to go as planned, but we will get there in the end anyway? Needless to say, we had a series of issues, and eventually resolved them all...with very little stress, because we planned and understood not everything was going to go right at the beginning of the process.

    Diets, and remodeling our bodies, so to speak, can be approached the same way.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    There is such a thing as "Moderation in all things, including Moderation"

    Special events are part of life, and to be enjoyed (not avoided). This is about LIVING HEALTHY (in the long term) - and about the entire journey, not just the ocasional pot-holes.

    Just keep on with the day-forward "what is my healthiest choice for this meal" - and before the next big event that comes along (maybe the May Long Weekend?) do some pre-planning about "this is the extra goodie I would enjoy the most - substitute new choice for that" and how you will exercise before (and after) to compensate.

    ANewLucia makes some good points - maybe check out the group readings she suggests. So does the post comparing house renovations and body renovations - they really aren't so different! :wink:

    Hugs always available here, and for any, all, (and no particular) reason.
  • ubermagee
    ubermagee Posts: 57
    Wow! Never expected such a response! :)

    Thank you guys for your kind and wonderfully supportive comments. I do feel like I've had a great big virtual hug! :)

    It's time to put it all behind me, re-focus, and get back on track. Off to the gym!

    Thank you! :)

    A <3 xxxxxx
  • KevinNichols
    You have to leg go sometimes, just dont feel guilty. Feel that you will have to do something to offset what you ate, like go for a walk or something. Then the world of eating is back in balance.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Hi guys,

    Needing a bit of a psychological cuddle, so to speak. Feeling a bit down in the dumps after a heavy weekend of easter eating, and now TOM is fast approaching. Feeling huge, spotty, lethargic, and just plain miserable.

    I've realised that of course, my weekend of ridiculous food has caused this, and now I feel the guilt. I suppose it's better than *not* realising what I've done wrong and continuing down the same path, right?

    A xxx

    I will hunt down every one of those bunnies and bite their heads off and eat their unborn chocolate children!
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    Group Hug! I am right there with you! Family dinners are hard! Also TOM is next week, so this week is shot due to water weight! BUT I am heading right to the gym after work to get back in the groove of things. I think my break from logging and restricting has made me more driven to work out. Keeep going on this journey, cause there will be speedbumps!
  • lucky2too
    lucky2too Posts: 69 Member
    It's really okay. We all have slips, but that was yesterday. Embrace today...take a walk, you'll really feel better.:flowerforyou:
  • katy4399
    katy4399 Posts: 136 Member
    A hug is not necessary - you have to learn that its ok to allow yourself that once-in-a-blue-moon foodfest. I had me a power-protein fix for Easter dinner by throwing a HUGE barbeque. Chicken, pork, steak, turkey, seafood - you name it, it was there! I made a broccoli salad for myself, a traditional pasta salad for my husband, classic deviled eggs... yeah.. I had me a good 800 calorie meal... but I chose to plan it out so I could enjoy it.

    If you keep allowing yourself to feel guilty, you will become your own worst enemy....

    Dont allow yourself to feel guilty...

    Ask yourself - did you enjoy the food porn?

    The food porn statement made me laugh out loud!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    A hug is not necessary - you have to learn that its ok to allow yourself that once-in-a-blue-moon foodfest. I had me a power-protein fix for Easter dinner by throwing a HUGE barbeque. Chicken, pork, steak, turkey, seafood - you name it, it was there! I made a broccoli salad for myself, a traditional pasta salad for my husband, classic deviled eggs... yeah.. I had me a good 800 calorie meal... but I chose to plan it out so I could enjoy it.

    If you keep allowing yourself to feel guilty, you will become your own worst enemy....

    Dont allow yourself to feel guilty...

    Ask yourself - did you enjoy the food porn?

    The food porn statement made me laugh out loud!

    I couldve charged $49.95 for the food porn we had for Easter.. and made money back! LOL!!!!
  • pandajade
    Hey sweetie,

    We've all been having a small feast over the Easter. It's Easter, we're allowed a treat or 3 :D

    *Big cuddles* I would say try not to feel down, I know it's easy to say and harder to do. But we all have treats now and again, we all have days where we eat more than we should (I did today). I felt down about it also. But I realise (and this is the main thing) that It has happened now, I can't change that fact, but what I can do is realise what has happened. Why It has happened. How I was feeling at the time of it happening (for me I have a tendancy to overeat.

    Realising is the best thing, once you realise what went wrong, it's better for the future. Realise and understand.

    Your doing so well though, so don't beat yourself up, just carry on as normal.

  • pandajade
    Oh I ate a bag of haribo, a couple of pies and some yoguarts as well as my break lunch and dinner today. Not a lot I can do about it now :)
  • ubermagee
    ubermagee Posts: 57
    Hi guys,

    Needing a bit of a psychological cuddle, so to speak. Feeling a bit down in the dumps after a heavy weekend of easter eating, and now TOM is fast approaching. Feeling huge, spotty, lethargic, and just plain miserable.

    I've realised that of course, my weekend of ridiculous food has caused this, and now I feel the guilt. I suppose it's better than *not* realising what I've done wrong and continuing down the same path, right?

    A xxx

    I will hunt down every one of those bunnies and bite their heads off and eat their unborn chocolate children!

    This made me laugh too hard. You guys are amazing :)
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    hug :) Its ok just get back on the wagon!!!