Self sabotage....WHY?????



  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Definitely one of the most irritating side effects of changing your lifestyle... the sabotage. I do it to myself all the time. I'll see a number on the scale that I've never seen before and then just decide that I can totally have some ice cream. And then something else.. and something else... until... well, I'm up 5 pounds. So frustrating.

    It's human nature. I find it very helpful to stop rewarding myself with food or treats. An interesting comparison... a lot of my friends on antidepressants or other medication will just stop taking them eventually because they 'feel fine", forgetting that they "feel fine" because of the pills. Weight loss, sadly, is the same damned thing. You see results because you put in the work. Just because you're doing great doesn't mean you stop taking the pill!

    I remind myself of this daily. Remembering that this is how I'm going to eat for the rest of my life rather than a day helps too. : ) But good for you getting your Easter on. No worries, back on track today.
  • MrsBraxton08
    MrsBraxton08 Posts: 27 Member
    I am so glad I saw this post this morning. I have been so down and hard on myself because I have had a few very stressful weeks lately and haven't been eating the healthiest or even watching what I was eating for that matter. I am so ready to get back on track and I needed this. I have put on almost 3 lbs and I am ready to get this weight off of me!!
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    I've been on MFP for about a month, was doing great, down 8 lbs. Then came Easter, I ate my way through Easter weekend like locusts through a field. I'm scared to get on the scale!! My goal is to lose about 15 lbs, would love some help getting back on track and staying there. I'm very impressed with the program....when I stay on it.

    Congrat's on the loss so far. Keep going. One weekend of eating "like locusts through a field" (ROFLMAO!!!!)......who cares. Put the scale away....get back on track. Don't beat yourself up about it. It happens. You are human.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Step on the scale with no fear. Let the number refocus you and begin to execute on your goals...the time is now there is no time to beat yourself or hang your head...

    Agree 100%
  • CooljulRN
    CooljulRN Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all SO much for the comments. You are all weekend does not a failure make. Off to the gym....!
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Step on the scale with no fear. Let the number refocus you and begin to execute on your goals...the time is now there is no time to beat yourself or hang your head...

    Defintiely this^^^^

    Remember it wasn't a weekend that got us here, it was a whole bunch of them.
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    great advice here. You can do this!
  • jessica1901
    jessica1901 Posts: 5 Member
    And's over six months until Halloween! It's not self-sabotage. It's evil, evil candy. It calls your name from the other room. It waits until you are tired and weak and then starts whispering "I'm out here....I'm waiting....I know you want me....don't resist...resistance is futile".

    When yesterday morning rolled around, I thought "Today is a new day". And I have six more months before mass amounts of candy roll into my house again.
  • Fairleighfit
    Fairleighfit Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, i've just come back to this site, starting over, determined to stick to it this time. Last 15 pounds just wont come off...
    twice as busy with 2nd baby now, and excercise seems to be just chasing them around. i get stuck on using unhealthy foods as
    snacks cuz i just dont have enuf time...Help!
  • CooljulRN
    CooljulRN Posts: 7 Member
    @Jessica1901....You are so right! The pantry calls me...."just one, just one".... then it ends up being just one bag!
  • CooljulRN
    CooljulRN Posts: 7 Member
    @Fairleighfit.....Babies make it hard, they just wear you out. All I can think of is the dreaded pre pack snacks. Do it on Sunday or whenever you have the time and put SERVING SIZE portions into snack bags. It's one thing to graze through a big bag of something, something more accontable to opening up the 3rd or 4th snack bag. Of course, I've never done this, but maybe now I will!
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    Unless you ate 3500 calories a day for a week straight.. (as it takes 3500 calories consistently to gain a pound) Any "weight" you see on the scale is only water weight and retention from all the heavy foods you ate. Don't be discouraged or fear the scale. You didn't gain anything you cant drop again in a week!!

    Best of luck for your last 15!

    This is so true! I have never really thought about it like that, Wow!
  • arlysmaekuehn
    arlysmaekuehn Posts: 6 Member
    You already made it to the 1st step - AWARENESS! You can change things every minute, every hour or every day. You can re-start your day at any time. I was just reading an article that said in part, if you are eating a quart of ice cream and start feeling aware that you shouldn't be - put the ice cream away and grab something health and keep right on eating. Good Luck!
  • arlysmaekuehn
    arlysmaekuehn Posts: 6 Member
    I haven't thought about it that way. Thanks for the insight
  • Love your sense of humor...hehe

    Get on the wagon, it's coming by...jump and hold on so you don't fall off again! :0
  • stephslosinglbs
    stephslosinglbs Posts: 64 Member
    Step on the scale with no fear. Let the number refocus you and begin to execute on your goals...the time is now there is no time to beat yourself or hang your head...

    Love this!!!