Wedding in 7 weeks! NEED SUPPORT!!

My wedding is in 7 weeks. I have been working on losing weight since last summer and have lost around 15-20 pounds. Now I keep fluctuating and can't seem to lose anymore. I haven't been consistent with my videos and would sometimes just go to the gym and run, which wasn't producing results. Now, I am wanting to follow through with the Slim in 6 videos and see if they will produce the results I need to feel amazing on my wedding day and honeymoon. Any support or motivational advice is appreciated!


  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    Weight loss is 80% about the food and 20% exercise. Focus on the food. Cut out processed tuff and eat real, natural foods. Get in good, hard cardio. If you feel too comfortable, you need to work a bit harder. Get in some good weight training.