Help needed to get to where i need to be

Here is a little back story to begin with. January 2011 I started a weight loss challenge with my family. I did great for 2 months, losing like 15 pounds, and then I stopped. Starting again in May, after moving to a new state for military, i kicked my butt in gear and lost 35 lbs total. In August the hubby and I decided to split, and I became depressed, stopped working out, and finally moved out in Feb 2012.
Now I am on my own, as a single mom, working 45 hours a week, commuting an hour a day, and realizing I have no time. My complex has a gym, but i cannot take my son to it, since there are no kids allowed. I cannot afford to get a membership to a gym with child care either. I need suggestions of at home workouts, or just motivation in general to get down to my goal weight which is now 22 lbs from where i currently stand.
Any help would be greatly appriciated.


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I think moms are especially hard on themselves.........we carry a lot of guilt for leaving our kids and taking time away from all the other things we "should" be doing.

    I don't know your specific situation, but I can tell you I feel you. I am also a single mom. I have three kids, and my business took a HUGE HUGE hit this year, and my income was drastically reduced.

    But it really helped me to stop and think "Isn't my long term health worth $50 a month and an hour a day?"

    We often say we "can't afford" stuff and often that means we really are prioritizing other things. Honestly evaluate what your long term health and happiness is worth, especially if it means things like you being around longer and happier for your son.

    You might also just want to invest in a good jogging stroller and make running/walking your work out. There is something that you can do without worrying about childcare.
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hmmmm..... I'm a beachbody junkie!!!! I love P90X, Hip Hop Abs, Brazil Butt Lift and Turbo Fire. I also love Tae Bo, walking, jumping rope, etc. There are lot's of things you could do at home. Add me if you would like :smile:
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    There are some free videos online. I use a lot. I get up 30 minutes earlier every morning before work and go into the spare room where the computer is. They have some great videos that are anywhere from 10-30 minutes. You can choose what kind of journey you are on: weight loss, strength training, etc. They also have a 30 day challenge that mixes it all up for you. Check it out. The only equipment I have is 3 and 5 lb handweights and a yoga ball. I also find different weight lifting exercises and print them out from work and take them home to do for the days I do only weights. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • bhersh24
    bhersh24 Posts: 49
    I'm a busy, full-time working mom and I struggle constantly to find time for ME. I have purchased a couple of the Biggest Loser series workout videos and also Jillian Michaels. I make it a point to find time to do them on the weekends. During the week, I try to keep moving - walking, biking, etc. - basically whatever I can fit in. I take my kids on walks and bike rides when I have no option of working out without them. I don't beat myself up during the week if I can't find the time. The part I hate is that I then don't get to eat back any exercise calories and simply stick to my 1200/day goal. Think LONG-TERM. Small steps. If you make it too difficult, it won't last. Do what you can when you can. You will definitely get there! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • MamaBear05
    MamaBear05 Posts: 100 Member
    I definitely understand what it's like to have so little time. How about using what time you do have to double task. Exercise while spending time with your son. I don't know how old he is, but I'm guessing from the picture in your tracker that he is young. Put him in a stroller and go for a walk. If he is old enough, play games with him on the walk. Have him tell you when to jog or walk faster. Ask him to count and tell you when he gets to 10 or which sign to walk fast to.

    Or head to the park with him and run around. Kick a ball with him or run the bases at a baseball field. When my son was 2 he loved running the bases and would wear me out. Lay in the grass and play airplane with him on your legs or lift him into the air with your arms.

    Any little bit helps. If you can, find 2 or 3 days a week to do a DVD or solo workout, and just be active with your son on the in between days.
  • CristlNothem
    CristlNothem Posts: 54 Member
    MamaBear05 I love your ideas for airplanes and running bases. My son is 3 years old, and he would love that.
    IveLanded : when i say money is tight, i really mean money IS TIGHT. I honestly cant afford the $50 a month, and i chose to give up things to put my son in a better daycare. I live in a small one bedroom with him, just to be able to pay bills, so $50 a month really is a big deal to some people. that is why i am looking for advice on videos to do at home!
    bhersh24 : I bought a Jillian Michaels DVD and did it the other day. My muscles definitely felt it yesterday. I always just worry that strength training is going to build the muscle, but i will still be too fat to notice. after reading someones post on this site today, with how just weights have changed her, it gave me a whole new outlook. I have done it before, i can do it again, i just need to start making time for me. If anything doing the videos at home will be sure to give my little man a good laugh!!!