Anyone Here Mentally Ill?



  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    Oh! Another thing: Severe chemical imbalances need to be medicated. >.< Try arguing that with someone who doesn't believe mental illness exists.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Agoraphobia, depression, anxiety, ptsd.

    At the worse of my mental illness agoraphobia was an issue for me too. I have always been afraid to travel far from my home, but could make it about two hours away either direction fine. For about a year after my nervous breakdown, it was hard to even get to the mailbox. Now, I am alright within my own city, but not much further than that.....
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Depression which started as post-partum depression in 1993. I don't take medication because when I did, I got told to "take your pills" any time I wasn't a good little robot. I went to 2 different therapists and each said, "So, what do you want me to do?" after a couple of sessions. >.<

    I'm just coming out of a 2 week slump which is just a build-up a little things I have been doing "wrong" about my eating habits and exercising. I found out last night my husband wants me to try taking B12 and vitamin D pills because that's helped an internet friend. It really hurts to learn people you thought cared about you just want you doped up and quiet. I try to do my crying jags when I'm alone in the house.
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    I have been hospitalized 2x. the first time they thought it was major depression. the second time i was very manic and had to be injected with benadryl shots and tied down. YES it was THAT bad.
  • It's a real f***ing picnic to be in my head.

    This made me literally laugh out loud because I JUST said this to my bf the other day when he was saying "I wish I could understand what's going on in your head so that I can help you".
    I'm glad you have someone sticking with you through it. :) My partner and I have been together for almost 11 years and he's seen the top, the bottom and the breakdown of the rollercoaster.

    Part of me wishes my fiance knew me when I was really suffering 3 years ago. Its hard for him to understand me most of the time - with PTSD I have flashbacks, get scared for no reason, or freak out. Every year around my trauma I call out of work and stay in bed and can't face the world. He doesn't understand how one day I can go out and another day I can't do anything but sleep.

    I told him this year "It doesn't make sense. Today, it doesn't have to make sense. It never makes any sense and it probably never will again."

    There is just something that clicks in my head that makes me feel like theres a weight in my chest and my skin is on fire. I'm happy he tries but he's always trying to "fix it". I don't need him to fix it, I just need him to be quiet and try to understand it.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    bipolar 1 mixed episodes with suicidal ideation. i take lithium, lamictal, serequoel and risperdone. i'm maxed out on the lamictal, and almost maxed on the serequoel. i've been hospitalized once, after a major suicide attempt. that was twelve years ago, it has taken me that long to find the right med mix.

    i have however found that exercise keeps me from getting too depressed. when i get manic its not euphoria, its crazy ***** mode. i get extremely angry and cant control what i do. and i still get manic on occasion. i take one more drug for the mania, and that is medical marijuana. it has saved my life.

    the journey is hard. i think any of us with mental disorder, who are trying to get normal, are very strong. stronger than we give ourselves credit for. i'm finding that you never really get rid of the symptoms, but you can control it.

    good luck everyone, you guys are stronger than you think. you are fighting the good fight, keep it up :)
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    It really hurts to learn people you thought cared about you just want you doped up and quiet. I try to do my crying jags when I'm alone in the house.

    I'm sorry you feel that way. :( Maybe though he was trying to be helpful. It's hard seeing the situation from the outside and sometimes it's easier to grasp as a chemical problem, therefore it's easiest to suggest trying some vitamins or a medication. I get what you said before though that it made you feel robotic. :( Some of them can do that.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    Hospitalized with a panic attack in high school, my parents never pushed treatment or therapy. Battled anxiety and depression and made a suicide attempt in my early teens. I have taken Celexa which didn't do anything for me, so I stopped that a few years ago.. Also I have been given Amphetamine Salts for lack of energy and ADD which I'm not sure if I am ADD or just have an inability to concentrate as a result of my anxiety. Either way it makes me feel in control and productive . The exercising does def. help with my outlook regarding the depression. It is a day-to-day struggle to keep myself feeling balanced (esp. since I am not able to get back on medicine until next month, no money to pay the co-pay each month ugh)
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    Part of me wishes my fiance knew me when I was really suffering 3 years ago. Its hard for him to understand me most of the time - with PTSD I have flashbacks, get scared for no reason, or freak out. Every year around my trauma I call out of work and stay in bed and can't face the world. He doesn't understand how one day I can go out and another day I can't do anything but sleep.

    I told him this year "It doesn't make sense. Today, it doesn't have to make sense. It never makes any sense and it probably never will again."

    There is just something that clicks in my head that makes me feel like theres a weight in my chest and my skin is on fire. I'm happy he tries but he's always trying to "fix it". I don't need him to fix it, I just need him to be quiet and try to understand it.

    That is so hard. Watching someone hurt so badly and not knowing how to help or what to do- or not being able to be content with "just wait" is pure torture. I hope he finds a way to understand. <3
  • missjojo31
    missjojo31 Posts: 150
    I suffer with depression and quite often dont want to eat
    I'm on anti depressants for depression after my mum died.
    My ex bf left me because he said "i was to moody for his liking"
  • Depression.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Anxiety and depression, but it's mostly controlled without medication now, as long as I get strenuous exercise most days. Running is my xanax.

    My depression usually makes me irrationally irritable rather than sad feeling, but I've found I can talk myself out of a funk when I recognize it's depression making me feel so wonky.

    I think I have slight PTSD from when my mom died after 4 months of intense hospitalization and every complication under the sun. There's certain noises that trigger a fear response in me, like beeping or alarms that sounds like hospital monitors.
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    I have Bipolar Disorder II. When I was taking meds, I was on Trileptal and it didn't cause weight gain. I've sense stopped taking medication because I didn't like how it made me feel.

    At any rate...

    I've found that exercising actually helps with my disorder. I feel happier, more energized, and I've been experiencing far less symptoms since I've started trying to get healthy. It is hard, though. Because I know when you hit that depression it's so hard. And having the motivation to push yourself is hard.

    Do you have any friends that you can go to the gym with / do this with? I've found having friends that hold me accountable helps me with sticking to it.

    Good luck to you. <3
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    GAD and I passed the crappy gene onto my son :sad:
  • I found out last night my husband wants me to try taking B12 and vitamin D pills because that's helped an internet friend. It really hurts to learn people you thought cared about you just want you doped up and quiet. I try to do my crying jags when I'm alone in the house.

    ((hugs)) Try not to think of it as him just wanting you to be doped and quiet. It's much more likely that he just doesn't want to see you suffer and is looking for any way to help. I know in the midst of a cycle it's hard to understand. It's the same way for me. But once I get through the fog, I can see that Hubby is just trying to help - even if when he makes his suggestion I'd like to strangle him for it.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Chronic anxiety here.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    TO Miss Bethea

    You wrote:

    "Do you have any friends that you can go to the gym with / do this with? I've found having friends that hold me accountable helps me with sticking to it. "

    We are all your friends. YOu get to pick the ones you want to hang out with!
  • joeg51
    joeg51 Posts: 3
    PTSD Trying to find help now, my MD says she can't help
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    PTSD Trying to find help now, my MD says she can't help

    Can she refer you to someone who can help?
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    As someone who has struggled with anxiety (mostly) and alcohol addiction/abuse (binge drinker) in the past, and having gone through the wringer to "fix" myself... as well as coming from a formal education background in psychology... I just poked my head in here, and wanted to say how nice it is to see the stigma of mental illness seems to have lessened quite a bit in the past 15 years :)

    Kudos to those who state their issues fearlessly. And I hope you get it "fixed" :)