I want my daughter to run



  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    When I started running my daughter who was 11 at the time would come along on Sunday long runs on her bike.

    She is a gymnast and a soccer player and was not interersted in running. One day out of the blue she told me she wanted to join the school cross country team and asked if we would teach her to run.

    We started off with a 2km and I would get her to run 2 minutes and walk 1 and repeat and then lengthened to 3 minutes etc. you get the idea.

    She did make the cross country team and we ran a 5km Army Run last year and that was the end of her running.

    Go at her pace and don't push her too much is the only advice I can offer.

  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    Anyone have tips on how to get her started? She's very tall, very thin, and not athletic at all. Lol!!!

    I'm just starting running as well. How about have her try one of the couch to 5 k programs to get her started? If she has a smartphone, they make all kinds of fun apps that track progress, tell you when to run and when to walk, etc.
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    When I started running my daughter who was 11 at the time would come along on Sunday long runs on her bike.

    She is a gymnast and a soccer player and was not interersted in running. One day out of the blue she told me she wanted to join the school cross country team and asked if we would teach her to run.

    We started off with a 2km and I would get her to run 2 minutes and walk 1 and repeat and then lengthened to 3 minutes etc. you get the idea.

    She did make the cross country team and we ran a 5km Army Run last year and that was the end of her running.

    Go at her pace and don't push her too much is the only advice I can offer.


    Great advice!! Thank you!!! I definitely don't want her to over do it.