more than 100lbs +++ to lose?

chubsternomore Posts: 23
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I am new here! So far this website has been awesome! I'm looking forward to my first full week to be able to weigh in!! I was wondering if there is anyone out there with alot of weight to lose? I need to lose 216 to reach my goal. Im starting out at 371. The most I ever weighed is 395. I would like to get down to 155lbs. I can't believe I let myself go like this :cry: I have a sedentary job, and its so much easier to flop on the couch instead of excercising when I get home, over the years the pounds just crept up...and here I am. My turning point was getting picked on by some kids when I was working out in my yard. I was out there trying to get excercise , feeling good about myself for accomplishing what I was doing, and some meanies came by and made some derogatory comments:embarassed: ....Part of me never wants to go outside again, but a bigger part of me doesnt want them to hold me back! I have spent the last month really getting geared up to lose, and I know I am finally ready!! I am hoping thru this website to make friends and find inspiration from you all. I've read alot of posts today, it's nice to know I am not alone in this struggle!! :flowerforyou:


  • Isabelle
    Isabelle Posts: 102
    I wish good luck, you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I know how you feel, I have a lot of weight to lose myself, WE can do this :bigsmile: Don't worry about those kids, kids can be the cruelest people in the world. Let's do this together!
  • Hi Chubsternomore! You are not alone. You and I are in the same boat. I also weigh 370 and want to get down under 200. I don't like mean people and I'm sorry you had to listen to comments when you were trying to be active. Don't let it get you down - just remember that mean people suck and you are doing the right thing!

    Thanks for posting this - it would be great to hear from others who are in the same situation. :happy:
  • bbartosch
    bbartosch Posts: 1
    Hi Chubsternomore! You are most definitely not alone--I'm at around 220 and hoping to get down to 130, so that's almost 100 pounds. We can do this together--it will be a struggle but we can do it!
  • callianna
    callianna Posts: 5
    I'm so sorry you had to deal with that immaturity and it took away from your good feelings of being out in the yard. I'm proud of you for being out there... I haven't worked in the yard in forever!

    Other than that, I could have written your post myself, almost. First, I'm just starting today (though I signed up two months ago). Second, I have a lot to lose: 190 pounds. Third, I also have a sedentary job... and fourth, I can't believe I let myself go like this, either. I actually took off 100 pounds 10 years ago, which got me temporarily to my ideal weight... then, week by week, snack by snack, I gained it back plus 90 more.

    So no, you are not all alone, definitely not! I bet you will get lots of responses from others who connect with what you wrote.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member

    Go to this thread. The people on it all have a lot to lose. They are over 300 lbs or started off there. The support is incredible and there are some good ideas that people that only need to lose 10 - 20 lbs may not need.

    Good luck with your weight loss. I have lost 50 lbs since Mid January with MFP and I am not going back!
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    I started out to lose 100 pounds and you can see how far I've come. I've actually been working at this for 4 years but did manage to lose 35 pounds since last July while using this site.

    You can do this and MFP is a great place to be to lose it. Use the food and exercise diaries and watch your weight start dropping off. It's hard to ignore those comments, I know, but you keep doing what you know you need to do.

    We're all here for you!:smile:
  • Hi!!!
    First of all I would like to commend you for not letting those meanies hold u back!!!! Congrats on taking that first step!!! I myself would like to lose 50 pounds....I am about 4'11" and weigh about 168 right now....with my small body build that is not healthy at all and I too am fed up and ready to change!! I get discouraged really easily when I do not see instant results....and so far using this site to track all that I do keeps me motivated. Dont get discouraged, if you need someone to talk to I am here! I wish you the best of luck!! I think this community of wonderful people will help alot!! :flowerforyou:
  • Wow you guys! Thanks for all the responses!! You are all so kind!! I feel better already!!!! :tongue: It’s nice to know I’m not alone out there!! Calliana, as I read your post I am like woah!!!!! We are a lot alike! About 12 years ago, when I weighed about 275(and swore I’d never get any higher!!) I got on a walking kick and lost 100lbs in about 7 months. I remember the feeling of getting into my “skinny” jeans and I look at the pictures now and it makes me sick!! I got married, got comfortable, have my sit down job and to add to it Im totally an emotional eater….that’s not a good combination!!

    Vicky I just saw your post, thank you for the thread I will definitely check it out :happy:
  • YourCatalyst429
    YourCatalyst429 Posts: 96 Member
    I just want to let you know this is more then possiable!! I know its hard and at times it's going to suck majorly but I was there and now I've got less then half of that to lose. I started at 333 and now after a year I'm not down to 226 ...trying to reach 155. Just don't give up and if you need any advice, info, support please don't hesitate to ask. :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This site is great, it is so supportive, helpful, motivational, and easy to use. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: I have 172 pounds to lose, I have already lost 46 of it.
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