Am I the only one that doesn't enjoy the healthy lifestyle?



  • yepitsjen
    yepitsjen Posts: 79 Member
    My dream is to have someone carry me everywhere while I drink red wine and eat Ruffles with French Onion dip. And the occasional plate of mashed potatoes and steak with a big tumbler of vodka on the side.

    I would smoke the whole time too.

    In this dream of mine, I am the only one that can smell my cigarettes, I never age, and I never gain a pound. And I drop dead of natural causes with a smile on my face at 85 after meeting all my grandchildren at least once.

    The end.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    I hated running and all kinds of formal exercise. I also hated limiting my food. Then I realized that if I exercise, I don't have to limit my food. Or at least not as much.

    Somewhere along the line, something clicked in my head and I realized that a "healthy lifestyle" wasn't punishment for a slothful life, but a way to treat my body well. And that there's a LOT of really delicious foods out there that are pretty good for me. I don't have to eat just salads. I might not eat everything I want, but I want everything I eat. I'm not going to stuff something gross down just because it's good for me.

    On the other hand, I realize that there's loads of things I don't enjoy that I do because I have to as a responsible adult. Like paying bills, mowing the lawn or scrubbing the toilet. I think of exercise as basic human maintenance, just like toilet scrubbing is basic bathroom maintenance.

    I really only wanted to be able to run a 5k as a personal challenge to myself, and having that as a goal made me stick with it long enough for it to become a habit. And kind of fun. It relieves stress for me. I don't enjoy strength training in the same way, but I love the results. The ~2 hours a week I spend lifting is something I consider an investment... or bill paying. I like looking a certain way, and exercising is the price of looking that way.

    But... yeah, if someone told me two years ago that I'd run, on purpose, and enjoy it... I'd have laughed my *kitten* off, too.

    This except I still hate to run, but have found I LOVE LIFTING....
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I haven't been at this long enough to have earned a "cheat day". But when that day comes, I will indulge in the Twinkie food group. You know, donuts, Zingers, pie, etc. Is that a bad thing? I assume that it is okay to have a binge day once in a while. I'm not sure that anyone really, truly enjoys the lifestyle change. A necessary evil though . . . at least for me.

    You guys are cracking me up! The Twinkie food group? That is brilliant!!
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Eating healthy is a chore for me. I LOVE chips, and I get salt cravings all the damn time. And sometimes, I just don't feel like cooking, so I want to cheat. My fiance is a super-hardcore-health-freak who works out for 2 hours a day, takes a rest day once every 2 weeks, and will only eat what we prepare. Yeah, he's THAT guy.

    Me, I like to have a bag of chips once in a while. I've only just started enjoying my workouts, but that's because I've needed to. I have had severe anxiety and depression for 10+ years, and only since working out regularly have both started to disappear. I am much happier now that I'm fitter, but it's been a pain in the friggin *kitten* to get there.

    The healthy lifestyle sucks, but I guess the only thing is that it's worth it in the long run? At least that's what I keep telling myself. Until then, tofu it is...ugh...
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    i hated working out at first too. i had to work my way up to spending an hour or so at the gym. i started simple. turned on my favorite music and just danced around the house singing like i knew how. i'm sure if anyone had seen me they'd probably think i was having a seizure and screaming for help. but by the end of a few songs i was out of breath, my heart rate was up, i was in a good mood, and i'd just gotten a 15 minute workout. :)

    i don't know what to say about the 'eating better' bit, i still slip in a few bits of junk into my days so i don't feel deprived. but it's not an all or nothing situation. you don't have to choose to live on big macs OR salads for the rest of your life, and you don't have to work out every day or never for the rest of your life either. it's all about the happy medium. when you find it, it'll be much easier to stick with it... but it's harder to find it when you have the 'all or nothing' mentality. took me a year to settle into something comfortable after losing 50, then gaining 30, losing 10 more, then bouncing around in the same 5 pounds for a long time.

    hopefully you can find something in that happy gray area. good luck! :)
  • Dyanna, Thank you, I think I am more like you, in this to avoid pain and health issues. I only wish I had known how bad it would get when I was younger and did not have so much too lose
  • SnTsMum
    SnTsMum Posts: 90 Member
    My dream is to have someone carry me everywhere while I drink red wine and eat Ruffles with French Onion dip. And the occasional plate of mashed potatoes and steak with a big tumbler of vodka on the side.

    I would smoke the whole time too.

    In this dream of mine, I am the only one that can smell my cigarettes, I never age, and I never gain a pound. And I drop dead of natural causes with a smile on my face at 85 after meeting all my grandchildren at least once.

    The end.

    Haha! I love this :D
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Used to, but now I'm addicted to it. I hate eating badly and I feel gross when I don't get to work out.
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    bump to read later
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    I don't mind exercising and cutting calories I but HATE eating healthy! I do not like vegetables. I can't cook and do not enjoy it and I'm not home alot. I don't have health food stores close to me. It's a PAIN! I can't fathom adhering to one specific diet (Paleo, clean, vegan, etc.) for the rest of my life.

    I have however, set a few small goals for myself though. I cut out alot of things I was eating but don't really need to eat. Poptarts, pastries, donuts, etc. and I don't miss them. I do have a couple junk food snacks a day (within my calories) but try to keep it to a minumum, like an ice cream sandwich or some M&M's. If I have to go cold turkey I won't make it.

    Next I want to give up soda and cut back on fast food. But I'm not going to try to do everything at one time. I think that's where alot of people fall off the wagon. Hopefully I will get to a point where I will be eating all healthy one day and loving it like others on here. Maybe I won't, I don't know.

    As far as exercising, you don't have to go beastmode to lose weight. But if you like to eat, it does help you to be able to eat more. But just try walking, and experiment with some different activities until you find one you enjoy or can atleast tolerate.
  • aidenjacob
    aidenjacob Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with the other posters who said you have to find something you enjoy doing for exercise. I despise going to the gym and I hate running. I started taking Zumba classes and it felt more like me just dancing around with a bunch of cool people. I got hooked and started going 2-3 times per week. The place I take the classes was offering an unlimited class card so I bought it because it cheaper than paying per class. Then I figured, "Well, since I have the unlimited class card, I may as well try out some of the other classes" so I tried Boot Camp. Now I'm hooked on that. I do boot camp twice a week and Zumba 2-3 times per week. I like the group setting and looking around knowing everyone else is going through the same thing (or having the same fun) I am.

    As for the food - I agree with picking a cheat day and you can figure out what you're craving most and have it on that day. I usually do that on a weekend day and usually it's wine and some totally savory meal with some kind of cheese sauce. :)
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    It is my determination to stay thin that keeps me in this lifestyle. Yeah, I have terrible self esteem now, and only have 10 pounds to lose, not 30+. But I'd rather be skinny than hate myself than fat.

    I do induldge in a snack now and then, part of my 'meal plan' is to have one snack a day. Usually like chocolate or cupcake.

    As long as you are eating good things 80% of the time, you can use the other 20% for cheese, condiments and snacks.
  • i like homemade foods, for me that doesnt mean cutting out brownies, for me that just means making them at home, from scratch. Ill eat whatever i want and when, the only i worry about is how much. I HATE working out because sweating is gross... but i LOVE the benefits of it. I think that generally if you give yourself enough calories, and do a workout that you dont totally hate, and make sure you dont make any changes you cant stick with, then you will be ok. otherwise you will indeed find yourself in this position again and again.
  • I hate having to log everything and count everything. It's such a pain in the *kitten*. If there was a cost effective way to have all my food counted out and measured for me so all I had to do was eat it when it was time to eat I feel like I would do A LOT better. As it is, I almost always sabotage myself on the weekends. I wanna eat something good because all week I've been eating bland tired old diet food. And by good I mean full of calories, sugar and fat!! That's what tastes the best right? LOL If it's not the food it's the booze. Half the reason I got as big as did was because of beer. I like beer and had a habit of binge drinking so it didn't take much to put on 30lbs in two years. And I LOOOOOOOOVE wine. I would drink it every night if you gave me the chance. Probably two least! I don't much mind the exercise. But if I have to do a cardio machine it feels like a chore. And give me a break about trying to schedule it in everyday!! PFFT!!! I'm about to start a job and I have no idea how I'm going to fit it in everyday. Luckily there's a gym close by so It shouldn't be too hard. What I am worried about though is at the end of the year I'm going to embark on Motherhood. How the hell am I gonna keep fit with a little one?? And then like how much are you supposed to really eat when you're preggers? It's all really confusing and sometimes I just wish diet food tasted better and that I could stop the world for an hour a day so I can catch up on my exercise. BUT I guess you really just have to find something you really enjoy doing for exercise. Try gardening...burns mucho calories.
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    What about the way exercise makes you feel? Exercise helps beat anxiety and depression and makes you a hell of a lot happier. A happier life is a better life. :) What about the confidence it gives you and a whole new set of friends, if you work out at a gym! Working out is like taking a shower....can't go a day without it, for me. Actually, I would rather skip a shower than a workout. Exercise has changed my life. I hope it will do the same for you. :) Hugs :)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I have always enjoyed being active and eating healthy. As a kid I would beg my Mom to make spinach and brussel sprouts. I still eat brussel sprouts and spinach 6-7 days a week along with many other vegetables and fruit. Its hard for me to go even one day with out some sort of physical activity. Even on a rest day I find ways to sneak some in. I have done it for so long I can't not do it!

    But you know what? I agree with you. I am so sick of the up and downs and it comes to no surprise that I love desserts and real cheeseburgers, also. A great veggie pizza or some coconutty Thai curry. I am tired of not being able to finish a plate because it puts me over "my allowance" for the day. Tired of weighing my food and always always always thinking about it. It does not come easy to me to either not eat something or to not eat as much as I want.

    I have my moments and I am on it and I love the results. I am in my BMI range but to look/feel decent in a swimsuit I need to lose 10-15lb. But I have to work so hard for each and every pound. That saying "You didn't gain it over night...'? Sure, maybe but I easily gain 5lbs in a week and it will take me over a month to lose it. And knowing that I will probably gain it back like I always have makes me wonder why I even care anymore.

    I wish I could just be happy with where I am and just stop caring so much. No, not be in my overweight or obese range. I wish it was all just a little easier. I don't mind putting work in it, but why does it have to be so MUCH work.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    I have always hated restricted eating and all forms of exercise... until now.

    Most attempts to get fitter/thinner lasted 6 weeks at the most. I tried to find something active to enjoy for years and years. Winning doesn't appeal (losing is so much easier to deal with) and most games are boring. (They leave the mind empty but irritated)

    This time I started with low expectations - and just set myself for a level of activity I could accept + an amount of food that is (just) below maintainance level.

    Enjoyment wasn't on the agenda.

    I decided to be cheerful and accept that there are worse prices to pay for good health. After 6 months I have discovered some more than acceptable side-effects. Quite unexpectedly, I have begun to enjoy the feeling of getting fitter and even rather like the whole struggle. I still don't like games and so choose exercise that leaves my mind free to wander in a way that there is no time for in my real life. (I have ruined a few perfectly good films by trying to watch them during exercise but I do like music/radio on occasions ). Just get on with it - because you have to (I suppose it is a chore really) and be cheerful. Your friends and relations are right - the rewards will come.
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    As you can see, you are not alone. I like how I feel when I've been working out, someone I feel taller and slimmer. I do the 30lbs yo-yo and get SO frustrated everytime I gain weight. The benefits of working out outweigh the lazy and gluttonous version of myself.

    Just try to think of the benefits and focus on one day at a time. Having a buddy does REALLY help and I find having something to work towards (I have my first 5km on friday and I'm totally crapping myself about it! LOL!). I also find that changing up what I'm doing helps as well every 4 weeks or so. Longer and I just get bored!

    Keep at 'er and good luck!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Hate to say it but it is a lifestyle change.... it has been for me at least. I have gone from someone who was not into exercise at all - was totally out of shape and was just over 300lbs when I started.... was eating out fast food just about every day..... Cut the fast food cold turkey, started eating right and started exercising. it sucked BAD for the first month or two, and somewhere along the line I started loving it. I still love it. I have days that I don't feel like working out, but unless I'm sick, I go do it anyway, and then I'm happy that I did. My family thinks I'm a different person. and I don't 'limit' my food. I crave healthy food options now. Yea, I have cheat days, but when they're over I'm actually glad to get back to 'normal'!

    SW 303.4 (1/1/11)
    CW 193.2 (down 110.2lbs)
    GW 160
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    If it doesn't feel good, then you aren't doing the right exercises or you aren't doing the exercises right. If it doesn't taste good, then you aren't eating the right foods or you aren't taking the right approach to food. You have to find what works best for you. You have to find what makes you happy. You have to figure out what you can stick with for the rest of your life.