Soo Frustrated...PLS HELP



  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    I have almost the exact same stats as you. I recently upped my calories from 1350 to 1757 NET. After a couple of weeks of stalling, then gaining, I started losing again. More importantly, I lost inches, and have so much more energy that the trainer I work with noticed my workouts were a lot stronger. I also don't feel like I'm depriving myself, and while I used to fall off the wagon for days at a time, I don't anymore. Not everyone is the same, but you could try (slowly) upping your calories. Mine are set to my BMR, and I always eat my exercise calories. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Oh and as far as 'What calories do I set it at?" I would not set my daily activity level to include dedicated exercise, but only that level you would be at on an average day if you did not exercise. Then let the program set up your goals on their formula. That way you can log any exercise you do and on the days you don't exercise have to figure out if you should make up for it somehow.
    Then, just do what they tell you from there... It seems to be working for a lot of people that way.
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    Don't worry about setting the calories. MFP will do that for you. Just set your weight loss goal, would suggest 1 pound a week. Don't set such a high goal you fail to achieve it and get bummed out. Good Luck, and you CAN do it.
  • LoseitForever83
    Thanks everyone.
    I will commit to updating my diary everyday. I will try this for a month and see where it takes me.