New and has some questions...

Hi. I haven't been on MFP very long. A few weeks I guess. I started working out with a trainer six weeks ago today. I've come to a point in my life where I have ignored me for to long and focused on being a wife and a mom. Now, I have committed myself to a year of working out and just getting me healthier overall. To date I've lost 13lbs and 9 inches from my body.

I haven't lost any weight in the past week and I'm wondering what I am doing wrong. I'm drinking water as I should. I've cut out ALL sodas and switched to unsweet tea. Breads (except for the occasional whole wheat) Pasta, Rice, etc......I haven't had any in the past six weeks. I work out with my trainer 2 days a week for over an hour and walk the rest of the time. I'm even up to jogging some. I know I shouldn't be at a plateau this early in the game especially with my current weight......So what gives?

I don't want to get discouraged so I wonder if someone out there could give me some tips....... Please and Thank Ya!! :smile:


  • scarletspy
    scarletspy Posts: 170 Member
    The same thing happened to me. After the first few weeks where I lost a good bit of weight, my scales were frozen for a couple of weeks. My doctor said it was normal and that that I would probably alternate losing pounds with losing inches. Have you lost anymore inches over the last weeks or so?

    I know it's super hard to keep motivated when the scales are frozen to the same number but you just have to keep on doing what you're doing and it'll start going down again. Not to mention, stress can affect weight loss so maybe don't weigh yourself for a few days and see if that helps.

    Good luck!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    Remember muscle is denser than fat. It sounds like you're working out a lot, so you are building muscle. That's a good thing! It may show a little weight gain or plateau for a while, but in the long run it will pay off. Hang in there and keep doing what you're doing!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I plateaued for a couple weeks about four pounds ago and it was frustrating.

    Just keep your momentum and don't give up. I actually started slightly exceeding my suggested calories instead of coming in below the count each day and I started losing weight again.

    You may want to find decaf tea as well. I have heard caffeine inhibits weight loss. I stopped drinking coffee a couple months ago (stopped drinking soda long before that) and it seems to have helped me quite a bit.
  • I have lost another 1.25 inches from my waist...Measured this morning. No more pounds as of yet but that's ok. I can tell my body is changing shape and overall I feel so much better.

    I am a little stressed right now. It's been a year ago this week that my daddy passed away so a little emotional and stressed probably mentally as well.

    I refuse to give up! I have never felt this way in my life.

    I just wondered if anyone else had ever had this issue so early in the game. It's SO nice to have people to talk to as well that understands!!

    My trainer used to be my size and she's a good friend so she helps gently SHOVE me when I need
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    I fortunately haven't had a plateau yet.... But I am sure it will come. I was getting ready to ask if you were measuring. Glad to hear you are and I know seeing those inches come off is way better then seeing that scale change. Hearing you made progress is so inspiring to others. I know it inspires me and will help when the time comes that I plateau.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Sounds like you are making a lot of good changes for your body, but at first all these changes can shock your body a little bit. Working out and drinking more water can cause your body to retain water at first. You are losing inches so that's a good thing! You might try staying off the scale (I know easier said than done) for a few weeks. Use the way your clothes are fitting as an idicator of your progress!!
  • Honestly I think your body goes into a little bit of a shock mode. Really you have been feeding it, now you are not giving your body any thing extra, almost forcing it to start burning the reserves you have. It will kick in all the sudden you will notice a big change. I have found the body will look like it has lost weight but the scale has to catch up.
    :smile: KEEP WITH IT!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Do you have a food scale? You could be eating too much without even knowing.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It is odd to hit a plateau this early in the game. It's likely not muscle being heavier than fat, as it's nearly impossible that you would gain muscle faster than you lost fat. You are likely losing muscle along with fat, and that's perfectly natural. Since you are exercising you will lose less, but it is inevitable that you will lose some.

    The stress you mention could be the cause. Stress is very hard on a body. Keep exercising as this is a great stress releiver and maybe try some yoga or meditation if needed.

    It also could be your scales. Are the batteries fresh? Whatever the cause, your body can't hold on to the weight forever if you stick to your plan, so just keep at it. Everything will fall into line soon.
  • Everyone keeps saying "stay off the scales" I guess I will have to hide that lil baby b/c every time I walk into the bathroom they are staring at me.

    I have decided though after this morning that I am not going to weigh myself for a week. See what happens then.

    I do need to buy a food scale though. I have been questioning my mom like a mad woman (she worked in the food service industry as a cafeteria supervisor for 37 years and she's a diabetic) about ounces and all that so she has alot of answers that have helped.

    I also have a great support system at home. My husband is so encouraging and 2 of my three kids have started working out and just trying to get in better shape. My middle son is on the basketball team so he works out every day...Although he has found out that some things that "mom" is doing is a little harder than what he is used to.

    Thanks again for all your positive and helpful comments. I truly appreciate them. :happy: