What really annoys me about some people on this site.



  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Actually this site has taught me tolerance. Now when I see an obese person a part of my reaction is "that may be someone who has already lost 30 pounds on MFP." I may have been cheering for their latest post! I hope that they look at me with the same idea.
    ^^This, but also seeing someone obese and wanting to tell them all about MFP!!! I don't do it, they may take it the wrong way.
  • brandeebruce
    brandeebruce Posts: 4 Member
    I'm not sure eating 400 calories a day is ever good, even under doctor supervision. I think I'd find myself a new doctor then.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    400 calories is not really much to brag about. The few days I've hit almost that low on my daily intake, I wasn't proud of it and certainly wouldn't shout it from the rooftops.

    But I have to agree with another user that it's equally annoying when people soapbox those people or others they feel are somehow doing their body a disservice. This place is for support and advice, not getting your head metaphorically ripped off for not doing what someone else believes is the gospel as far as how to lose weight the right way.
  • zinok
    zinok Posts: 185
    I keep on seeing people complaining about these types who eat very few calories. ... But I never see those people themselves. Guess I don't come to the forums often enough.
  • merrylea
    merrylea Posts: 34 Member
    Yeah I'm just really worried about all these young girls starving themselves to death, being promoted by other girls that are anorexic...

    I've noticed a couple of "pro ana" posts on the boards (but not my friends of course. It is really really sad...
  • rdunlap81
    rdunlap81 Posts: 94 Member
    Actually this site has taught me tolerance. Now when I see an obese person a part of my reaction is "that may be someone who has already lost 30 pounds on MFP." I may have been cheering for their latest post! I hope that they look at me with the same idea.

    That's beautiful! What a great way to think about it. Thanks for sharing. :happy:

    Awesome point of view! I don't look at people as overweight anymore either. I know I am overweight and I am doing my best to change that.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    For the most part, I completely agree with you. But for example, the last couple days I've burnt TONS of calories, and I have been physically unable to stuff myself with enough food to put me anywhere near my goal for the day. Yesterday, I think I had like 1100 calories left when I closed my day. Today will probably be the same, my food/exercise diary looks completely ridiculous.
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    what annoys me are ppl who think they know so much about fitness and intake..everyone has a diff body..some get in shape faster than others! also dislike when ppl get my words twisted and come at me rude! ask before you assume! and i dont like how it lets everyone know when we write on someone's page/status...lol.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    What I don't really like is the whole idea of celebrating people going way under their calorie goal and people saying stuff like "better luck next time" by going over by 5 calories. If you ask me the person who went 5 over their goal is far more on track than the person going way under.

    In the end, as people have already mentioned, the person going way under might lose a ton of weight but its more muscle than anything. The person who is constantly +or- 100 calories on their goal will win out cause not only will they retain muscle, they will gain muscle, which helps increase your metabolism which helps you burn more fat, and your learning how to adjust to a new lifestyle rather than crash dieting which could end up failing afterwards when you increase your calories. Balance=Success!
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    I keep on seeing people complaining about these types who eat very few calories. ... But I never see those people themselves. Guess I don't come to the forums often enough.
    Mostly those types of people don't go on forums, but a lot of people in my friends list tend to starve themselves.
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    Yeah I'm just really worried about all these young girls starving themselves to death, being promoted by other girls that are anorexic...

    I've noticed a couple of "pro ana" posts on the boards (but not my friends of course. It is really really sad...
    What are you serious? This is called myFITNESSpal, not mySTARVINGpal. Saddens me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    I'm sure these people appreciate you making such a big deal of it. Well done.
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    I'm sure these people appreciate you making such a big deal of it. Well done.
    I'm just concerned about how people aren't treating their bodies right.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    i just delete those people! i have zero tolerance for unhealthy behavior like that.
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    I'm sure these people appreciate you making such a big deal of it. Well done.
    I'm just concerned about how people aren't treating their bodies right.

    maybe they feel full... sure you wouldnt "appreciate" it if they told you how bad you're treating yours...

  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    I'm sure these people appreciate you making such a big deal of it. Well done.
    I'm just concerned about how people aren't treating their bodies right.

    maybe they feel full... sure you wouldnt "appreciate" it if they told you how bad you're treating yours...

    good point haha
  • I still think it's wrong to just say nothing and watch these people starve and harm their bodies.
    It's still their decision, but I'd feel bad if I didn't at least try to help
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    I still think it's wrong to just say nothing and watch these people starve and harm their bodies.
    It's still their decision, but I'd feel bad if I didn't at least try to help

    i agree w/ you on this...but one time is enough offering help for me..esp if i see someone throwing up their food everyday.. well not seeing it but posting about it.. i delete ppl like that..
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member
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