PCOS and calorie counting



  • ashalabrown
    A low carb diet has worked for me. Do NOT eliminate carbs all together just lower the amount.
  • wongleweed
    wongleweed Posts: 35 Member
    I have PCOS and am on Metformin. The Dr also told me to stick with an Atkins type diet, but a dietitian told me to do low GI. I have an incredibly hard time losing weight!
  • anfmusicgrl
    anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
    Calorie Counting works good for me. However, the largest changes definitely happened when steering away from the refined carbs, sodas, artificial sweetners, etc.

    I do take Metformin, but have for 2 years. I did not lose weight from taking it alone. I DO lose weight from exercise, eating a more balanced diet, and watching carb/sugar intake. The Metformin still works from the way my Dr described, by allowing my body to process the carbs I eat and utilize them in the way my body is supposed to.

    I have less upset stomach from Metformin after about 2-3 months of taking it **Consistently**. It did bother my stomach at first. However, with time, the side effects went away. However, if you took it before you began watching your carb consumption....this could be why you had such bad side effects. Perhaps those of you who now have integrated a healthy diet, and lower glycemic, should consider or discuss Metformin with your Doctor if you continue to show any sort of insulin resistance.

    I've found with a balance of diet, exercise, and metformin, I have not had issues in losing fat/weight in comparision to others. I am losing at 2-3lb per week. (Eating more than the calorie allottment figured when using 2lbs as the goal in MFP) I upped the calories to be more accurate to my BMR. My metabolism which I once thought was slow, is obviously functioning quite properly and efficiently, when I am still able to lose at those rates while eating higher calories than MFP even calculated. I attribute this to the mix of strength training, and the quality of diet.

    I gained weight for YEARS and ate no more than my family who is tiny, or my slender friends. Is it harder for us to lose weight?? Yes, in terms of we have to really pay attention to our different nutritional needs...and No, in the aspect that if you really do everything you can to work with the PCOS, you can maximize your results to match those who do not have it.

    The ONE thing that sucks: I do notice I am losing in opposite of many women who probably do not have PCOS. My butt, thighs, legs were the FIRST things to slim down. I can go to the beach and be proud of how my legs look, and my butt is quite small for my size :) HOWEVER, my stomach/waist is shrinking at such a slower rate. It is quite obvious my body and the PCOS still love to keep fat stored around my middle.. but...it will have to go eventually, lol. I just keep plowing along...and eventually, I won't be a walking PCOS poster board ;)
  • vonnetta23
    It's good to see that I am not alone in this PCOS struggle! :-) I was first diagnosed with it back in 2006, but I didn't start treatment until August 2010 when I noticed the symptoms had become worst (bigger waistline, hair thinning, lack of cycles, etc). I was prescribed Metformin and advised to lose at least 20 lbs. I started at 182 lbs (I'm 5'4), and by February 2011, I dropped to 162 lbs. I was on a plateau for quite a while, but as of today, I am down to 153 lbs. Metformin isn't for everyone, but it was a HUGE help for me- along with watching my calorie intake (about 1200 per day). I've also cut out fried foods, limited my carb intake- although I am a sucker for pasta and bread, but I did replace them with whole grain pasta and whole wheat bread. :-) Other changes includes increasing my veggie, fruit and water intake. Water makes a huge difference as well. But the most important thing; and it goes hand in hand with eating healthy- is EXERCISE. I do 40 minutes of cardio 4-5 times a week. Some days, I do incorporate strength training; but for the most part, it's cardio- 20 on the elliptical and 20 on the stationary bike. You can take all the great advice that has been posted on here (and it is some great advice- I'm still learning), but the bottom line- do what works for you. You'll probably have to go through a "trial and error" period to figure that out. Once you do, CONSISTANCY will become a lot easier and you will be well on your way to reaching your goal. Don't expect results overnight or within a short period of tiime; eventually you will see a difference. Hope my testimony will be of some help and motivation for you and others. :-)
  • Moviedust
    Moviedust Posts: 110
    I was diagnosed in September, 2011 and since then they have put me on metformin (1500mg a day, in small increasing portions though until I got up to that level). I found that before that I was exercising and eating mostly right and I wasn't losing much at all. Once they put me on the metformin I started losing about 5 lbs a month WITHOUT exercising (I was eating a mostly low GI diet though, but I was doing that before). I do get some plateaus but it usually doesn't take too long to get through it. The reason that they gave me the metformin was not actually the weight loss it was because we are TTC but it's nice to know that it helps! I have recently started exercising again along with that because I would like to lose more quickly again and be in better shape. So far I've lost 28 lbs.
  • mollsmachine
    I just received my ultrasound results today, and while the blood work is still pending my doctor said I have evidence on my ovaries that are consistent to PCOS. I have many of the symptoms as well, so it's quite likely I'll be diagnosed and I hope they can put me on medicines to help.
    I am also recovering from anorexia, and while in recovery my weight maintained for a few months, but after it shot up quite significantly.
    My diet is pretty healthy i think (?) I exercise at least 4 times a week, and I also have hypothyroid.
    I'm really concerned about my weight and not sure what to do.
    But this thread is helpful, thank you..
  • ravenstar25
    ravenstar25 Posts: 126 Member
    I have PCOS and cannot eat above 1000 calories a day and consistently lose weight, even though I am morbidly obese. I do not have insulin resistance, so the carb and sugar thing makes no difference. Not all PCOS sufferers have insulin problems.

    I spent 2 years dieting to the extreme, 800-1000 calories a day unless I "snapped" and "binged" (eating 1500 a day). After two years of this I lost 85 pounds. Yes, I exercised daily. Yes, I tried higher intakes. The weight loss completely stops for me at about 1300-1400 a day. Yes, I'm sure some know it all will come here and tell me I'm doing it all wrong and anyone who says this to my face will suffer physical violence. Having PCOS is living in hell. No doctor has been of any help to me whatsoever. They test my cholesterol and sugar every time I go because they are pretty sure I'm lying and secretly gorge my face to be this fat. My cholesterol and blood sugar have never been elevated, because I don't eat enough for the numbers to go up. I took a 4 hour insulin resistance test, nothing wrong.

    I am on this site because I am dedicated to losing weight, even if it means I will have to eat 800 calories a day and exercise an hour a day just to lose two pounds a week. This does, in fact, seem to be the case.
  • ravenstar25
    ravenstar25 Posts: 126 Member
    I just received my ultrasound results today, and while the blood work is still pending my doctor said I have evidence on my ovaries that are consistent to PCOS. I have many of the symptoms as well, so it's quite likely I'll be diagnosed and I hope they can put me on medicines to help.
    I am also recovering from anorexia, and while in recovery my weight maintained for a few months, but after it shot up quite significantly.
    My diet is pretty healthy i think (?) I exercise at least 4 times a week, and I also have hypothyroid.
    I'm really concerned about my weight and not sure what to do.
    But this thread is helpful, thank you..

    It's not surprising. I'm anorexic as well. It ruins your metabolism.
  • boxem180
    boxem180 Posts: 63 Member
    What's worked for me so far is a lower carb diet and daily exercise. I try to get over 100 grams of protein and less than 150 grams of carbs a day. I work out 7 days a week (3 strength training/cardio sessions and 4just cardio/yoga). I find I barely lose if I don't exercise so exercising daily is mandatory for me. I have also reduced my intake of alcohol to 1-2 days a month and that has helped a lot.
    Fingers crossed that I've figured things out.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    I don't have to cut back on calories (losing at around 2000 a day) but I do have to cut back on carbs (under 50g net, from veggies, nuts, seeds and berries, is what I need to see the scale move). I can eat 1200 cals a day but if there are too many carbs then I can GAIN on that amount. Exercise also helps, a LOT!

    I have PCOS and all of this is exactly true for me. Also, I find the more exercise I do the less symptoms I have.
    I wouldn't recommend completely cutting any food group out... but lessening refined carbs and getting more slow releasing carbs in thier place as well as reducing the number of them makes another huge difference.
  • angijunbug
    angijunbug Posts: 205
    I have PCOS & I currently take metformin daily & also aldactone because I swell from the PCOS. It's crazy! There's a lot of good advice on here for you & I have to say that since I started eating a plant based vegan diet I have seen the most progress. I exercise at least 5 days a week (sometimes everyday) and I cut my portions but eat often. Also, I have cut out all "white carbs or sugars" to the best of my ability. I will tell you that it's totally possible to lose weight while having PCOS but you have to be dedicated to healthy eating & exercise. Best of luck to you!!!