How many Inches have you lost? I need input on this

Soooo here's the deal, I am a bridesmaid in a wedding this year at the end of June.
The wedding is about 10 1/2 weeks away but we need to order the bridesmaid dresses by the end of the week. I haven't taken my measurements prior to losing weight so i had no idea where I'd be or how many inches I have lost so far BUT today I went to a bridal store and got my measurements taken.
I've been doing fitness pal for about 12 weeks and have lost about 17lbs. I wasn't 100% focused the whole time either, but none the less doing it the whole time. I'm torn on what size dress to order because I want it to fit right in 10 weeks.
I'm curious at what rate inches really come off with lbs? My clothes all fit looser and I'm about a size smaller than I was 12 weeks ago with 17lbs but I can still wear them for the most part.

I feel like I will definitely be able to hit 30lb loss by the wedding and that its an attainable goal for me. But, I have a feeling 30 is going to make a big difference compared to the first 17. Any advice on what you guys think I should do is MUCH appreciated since I have to have this taken care of by the end of the week.

The MAIN issue is she lives a different state than me and I won't be trying the dress on until about a day before the about pressure. Also, in previous years around this down 30 goal weight I was wearing a size 16-18 dress.

My measurements from today were:
Bust 43
Waist 38
Hip 49

And this is the size chart........................

Size 16
Bust 41
Waist 33
Hip 44

Size 18
Bust 43
Waist 35
Hip 46

Size 20
Bust 45
Waist 37
Hip 48.5

What size do you guys think I should get?