What is your reward?



  • byeuboy
    You guys are funny. These are good goals and mighty fine rewards. It goes to show you that each of us have a different type of "reward" in mind. I have tattoos so that's out, I have those "skinny" clothes to get back into so a new wardrobe is out. I was thinking about rewarding myself by getting my wife new boobs. I can say that can't I? She always wanted a reason to buy the twins a bigger house.
  • wuzzi
    wuzzi Posts: 39 Member
    My friend Midgekin and myself are going to Disneyland!!! We totally can't wait. I know it sounds so cliche but we haven't been for years and I, personally, can't wait to be able to sit in one of those roller coaster seats and not feel like I'm gonna have a seat shaped butt when the ride is over.
    Yay for the magic kingdom!
  • wuzzi
    wuzzi Posts: 39 Member
    HAHAHA! YOU are the funny one. I think that's sweet too...something you both can enjoy. :wink:
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I never really thought about a physical reward at my goal. Better health and looking good work for me. I too already have the skinny clothes and several tattoos. Maybe a nice new stereo for my car... or having highlights done at a fancy salon...I like the idea of a trip to Vegas though.... Who knows!
  • mbaker1169
    mbaker1169 Posts: 65 Member
    I am going to lock myself in the bedroom with my husband (he will have been gone for four months when I hope to reach my goal) and have lots of SEX!! Sorry if that offends anyone.....but, that is my reward!!
  • Melyou
    I am going to lock myself in the bedroom with my husband (he will have been gone for four months when I hope to reach my goal) and have lots of SEX!! Sorry if that offends anyone.....but, that is my reward!!
    Haha, that's mine! Really, I hadn't thought of any reward except maybe a tummy tuck (but that's really far down the line, so expensive).
    My husband's been gone for a month already & will be home in April, and we each are working out & eating better, so we can surprise each other when he gets home. :love: I won't be at my goal by that time (at least I don't anticipate it), but still will be nice to have lost a bit of the jigglies.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    aw so sweet....I think "quality time" w/ the hubbies is great!!!

    Um...haven't really thought of a goal....but this thread has got my brain tickin...lol....

    I too have the old cloths I want to fit in...the health benefits are also key....my goal at the end is going to be I think....taking a long weekend getaway w/ my son and hubby to our timeshare....with a pool....and not being on the side lines or going in w/ my big shorts on.....AND begin trying again for baby #2~ lol tee hee!

  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I like this idea. I think I'll have to set a goal with a reward. 4 years ago when I did weight watchers, I was going to get a tattoo when I reached goal. I got off track and never made goal. I finally got tired of waiting and got the tattoo I had in mind just a few weeks ago. I'll put some thought into it. I think I might set some small goals w/small rewards instead of one big goal w/a big reward.
    What kind of tattoo did you get??
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I was thinking about rewarding myself by getting my wife new boobs. I can say that can't I? She always wanted a reason to buy the twins a bigger house.

    :laugh: :laugh: ]
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    My reward is getting me back.
    NO more trips to lane giant
    no more worrying if my shirt is covering up my gu
    no more chaffed thighs during the summer
    no more over priced ugly clothes
    no more giant panties
    being able to buy pretty bras and not gigantic boulder holders
    knowing that I took the time to learn how to eat right and taught my kids the same in a healthy way
    and a treat for the hubby, some nice bedroom attire that hopefully wont be on long
    Oh, and lets face it I am shopping my *kitten* off and after a year or two if my boobs don't make it back I will consider a masopexy but that is a big big big maybe on the boobs, eventually they all get saggy!
  • kabini
    For every pound I lose I treat myself to a new song on my IPOD for my running playlist.

    My treat to myself to myself when I have got to my goal will be to enter a 1/2 marathon this time next year. :)


    That is a REALLY great idea! I think I might have to steal this one!!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I some rewards for along the way - 10 lb is some new makeup, 15 lb is nail polish or something like that - 30lb is pedicure and manicure!! Nice - never had a professional one before. But I will HAVE to buy new clothes along the way as I have no "skinny" clothes. I already have 2 pair of jeans that just about fall off - I LIKE THAT!! You're right, that is a reward in itself!
  • cosbykids3
    My reward is taking that big fat economic stimulus check we are all due in May or June and buy lots and lots of skinny clothes!!! :tongue:
  • bookworm
    I am going to lock myself in the bedroom with my husband (he will have been gone for four months when I hope to reach my goal) and have lots of SEX!! Sorry if that offends anyone.....but, that is my reward!!

    Totally! Me on top in a tiny thong and maybe even a (dim) light on! :blushing:
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    My reward is getting me back.
    NO more trips to lane giant
    no more worrying if my shirt is covering up my gu
    no more chaffed thighs during the summer
    no more over priced ugly clothes
    no more giant panties
    being able to buy pretty bras and not gigantic boulder holders
    knowing that I took the time to learn how to eat right and taught my kids the same in a healthy way
    and a treat for the hubby, some nice bedroom attire that hopefully wont be on long
    Oh, and lets face it I am shopping my *kitten* off and after a year or two if my boobs don't make it back I will consider a masopexy but that is a big big big maybe on the boobs, eventually they all get saggy!

    Can I just say DITTO!!!! I would give anything for a cute bra..... I will probaby have to have a reduction and lift operation to get there, but I would love to be in the cute bra world. I haven't seen that since I was a teenager, and I don't seem to lose in the chest when I diet. I will look like a freak when I get all this weight off. I willl be ALL boobs and I really hate it. It makes me so self concious. Really, it looks very abnormal.