Polar F6 Heart Rate Monitor

Is anyone out there using the Polar F6? have you seen any better weight loss results by using it vs not?


  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    I have one, can't say it has anything to do with my weight loss though. Maybe someone else has other info on it.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I have one. I LOVE it. I am seeing results because I was overestimating my calories before I had it. It also makes me work harder since I try to set calorie goals of how much I want to burn in a workout. I am not seeing as much weight loss as I am inches lost.
  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    I love mine--It hasn't really helped me shed the pounds BUT it keeps me honest I know how many calories I am really burning and I know when I am doggin it and need to push harder. It also lets me know when I need to slow down and not push so hard. It is also really helpful in the motivation department I love seeing that my exercise is really burning calories it just makes it more real. I also was way over estimating how many I was burning. It also helps because no matter what I am doing (running, 30 day shred, or playing wii fit) I can keep track and not have to guess
    I love it it was well worth the investment!
  • shutter_bug7783
    I've had mine for about two months now and LOVE it! As a few others have mentioned, I can't say that it's given me better weight loss by having it. I do know that I since I've had it it's made me want to be more active. I find it fun to see how many calories I can burn. I've even worn it a few times while washing my car. Average of 220 calories for that.

    I will agree that it helps tremendously knowing what you're actually burning while working out. If I'm at home doing a workout DVD, there's no real way to know exactly how many calories you're burning without a HRM. I've recently started setting goals for the week and I do my best to make them. I get mad at myself if I don't and feel great if I surpass the goals.