Scared....Almost Pre-diabetic!



  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    1 generation of diabetes on my Mom's side, (but frankly Grandma never went to the doctor so no one knows)

    Both my Mom and my Uncle.

    3 generations of diabetes on my Dad's side of the family.

    Great Grandmother diagnosed in her 70s
    Grandmother diagnosed in her 60s
    Dad diagnosed in his 50s
    I felt like it was destiny for me and at 48 my A1C was just a shade above normal.
    I've lost 32 lbs and this is the reminder I need that it's 2 years later and time to check my levels again.


    More foods now than ever before have hidden sugars in them and are sold as "real foods"
    If I'm going to eat the sugar I want a cookie, gosh darn it!

    I've really been amazed at how much sugar I've found in "REAL FOOD" Food manufacturers add a lot of sugar under a lot of different unrecognizable names into products, because it's cheap and it increases your appetite, so you eat more.

    (I picked up a lean cuisine one evening forgot to check the sugar went to enter it to find out it had 30g of sugar, now

    A) I only get 25g a day,
    B) my favorite cookies are 9g for 15 cookies. If I'm going to eat sugar I want to enjoy a treat!!!

    Prepared pasta sauces often have a lot of sugar. The brand I'd been using had 9 g for a 1/2 cup serving. So I switched to plain canned tomato sauce and added my own spices, my last trip to the grocer I notice the sugar went up from 1g to 3g. I check the ingredients and now find they've added corn syrup.(grrr!:angry: ). Also watch out for yogurts they're usually very high in sugar, buy plain and add a little hershey syrup or jam or cukes & dill at least YOU will be controlling your intake.)

    Nutrient Dense foods keep you full longer, while proteins and fats (happy fats... plant based) appear to pack a lot of calories for the quantity you get to eat. A small amount will keep you satisfied longer. So it may be a better balance for you .

    I've recently read about how healthy fats (olive oil, Omega 3s, Avocado, walnuts, etc.) help prevent diabetes.

    Remember BOTH sugar AND artificial sweeteners increase your appetite, i find cutting back on them makes weight loss easier, because I'm not hungry all the time.

    If I have a DIET COKE, no way I can keep at 1200 cal.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I sincerely truly appreciate EVERYONE who has taken the time to reply to this message. I love the information I'm getting and will take it to heart. I am going to the grocery store today and I'm thinking of going through the pantry and doing a "re-vamp" and trash a lot of the JUNK that's in there.

    Time to get my family on board with me. Even though my husband is in the "normal" weight range, he eats like crap too and doesn't get much exercise anymore. Plus, I want my little boy to learn better habits than we have already started him on.

    If any of you have some healthy snack food, or things you always eat on hand, let me know!! I'm working on a grocery list now. and I'm thinking of starting another thread to get suggestions there as well!

    Once again, thank you so much for replying. It goes to show that people really do care and want the best for others. It takes a big heart to take time to help someone else. THANK YOU!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you are interested in tracking my progress! I need a couple of drill seargents, but also leave my heart on my sleeves. :))
  • ChefTamiCinNC
    ChefTamiCinNC Posts: 39 Member
    Relax! This is a wake up call! Same thing just happened to me. (I am a 47 y/o female, married with a 16 year old daughter. I work full time in law enforcement and I also sell Pampered Chef) I had a bad result on the A1c blood test. My doctor gave me 6 weeks to loose 10 pounds and stop drinking high sugar soft drinks! I have lost 4 pounds already. I found MFP and it is a nice tool to have. Look at what you are eating and drinking. I am generally getting 64-120 ounces of water daily...depends on if I exercise or not. I bet your doctor will give you a period of time to "shape up"! I am so surprised about how much better I already feel! Acid reflux at night is gone! I am guessing carbonated sodas were the big culprit! I had no idea how much hidden sugar was in my diet. Struggling with carb reduction but MFP and posts from others is helping! Don't be surprised if you feel horrible while your body detoxes! I had no energy for a couple of weeks! Scared me but now I realize how addicted my body was to sugar! Good luck! You are about to begin a journey that will retrain your entire way of eating.......Congratulations! This is something you can fix...YOU have control. Be strong and when you are not don't beat yourself up just get back on track and keep going!