Blew it...

My mom, little brother, boyfriend, and I went grocery shopping yesterday - alright, great, I can pick out quick and easy lunches and dinners that fit on my plan. Then we went to wal-mart to pick up a few extra things (my graduation party is saturday the 13th!) and then mom treated us each to the new Coffee Toffee Twisted Frosty things at Wendy's... I don't really even like Wendy's but I wanted one of those things! We were all hungry so we each had a meal too. I had some kind of sweet and spicy asian chicken combo thing (instead of a burger) which was surprisingly good and I was really full when we left. But I came home to try to enter as much of what I ate as I could, and I found out that stupid Frosty thing has over 500 calories in it!!!!! OMG!!

I was gonna try to be good for the rest of the day and not eat much of anything else (we ate at like 2pm), but I got hungry again (go figure) so I was trying to find something to eat that wasn't too caloric, but I ended up giving up and telling myself I already pissed away the day by eating Wendy's so I'll just take the time to splurge for once and eat whatever. Needless to say, all I'm having for breakfast this morning is applesauce. :embarassed:

Thank god I didn't really gain any weight from it. But I won't be doing that often. Blah.
Not only that, but I've been doing this for a while now (been on MFP for a few weeks) and haven't lost a pound. I'm starting to get insanely discouraged again. Why do we get cursed with bodies like this? I understand a lot of people have it worse than I do and I'm sorry if I'm offending you by complaining about my not-TOO-overweight-body, but... I've been overweight as long as I can remember and I'm completely fed up with it but I have NO MOTIVATION. No one is cheering me on... everyone's like, oh it's great that you're working on it. That's it. Woo. Big deal.

I hate that I can't just be naturally thin like the lucky part of the population. UGH!! :explode:
End rant. Thanks for reading this if you did. :frown:


  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Dont give up you can do it. Its all about perseverance and strength. If I can do it anyone can I have lost 33lbs as Of today, you talking about weight please I weigh at 225 last year now Im down to 192lbs .I have days that I splurge and felt bad, but the main thing is you gotta workout and pick yourself back up again their are excercise that you could easily easily burned 500 calories girl are you serious.. Keep ya head up:flowerforyou:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    We're cheering you on!!!! You just have to remember that this is a lifestyle change and once you really stick to it for a couple of weeks you won't crave the bad foods as much. It is ok to have them sometimes but for most they don't even want them because after eating healthy you won't feel very good after eating them. Are you exercising? That would help a lot because then you will have more calories that you can eat and you won't feel deprived. Just don't give up! And eat today, don't just have applesauce :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • BigAnn
    BigAnn Posts: 38
    You can do it. Don't let one day define you. I know it's hard. It's supposed to take 3 weeks to break/form a new habbit. I've been doing this six months and it's still hard to pass up Jamoca shakes. Just don't become discouraged.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Oh I know how that goes...I'm such the type to dwell on the negative things I do, but I have the hardest time being proud when I do things well. I have learned, however to take everything day by day. I don't try to figure out tomorrow until it gets here, and I've learned I can't undo yesterday.

    Perhaps you could contact one of the folks who've been here a while and have had success and see if they can help analyze what you're doing. SHBoss is very knowledgable, and Tam-Tastic has met her goal....they might be willing to help.

    But most importantly, just keep focusing on today and making good choices today. And hang in there! You can do it! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • xmissxshelx
    Thanks everyone :]
    You've all put a smile on my face.

    And yes, I am working out, but not regularly. Sometimes it's every day, sometimes it's every other, but usually no less than that. I think I'm gonna go for a walk today. It's really nice out. :happy:
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    I thought the same thing 2 days ago...and yesterday I was all bummed out about it, then last night I was like you know what? I'm not gonna let this get me down, I am going to look good and be healthy, I am going to reach my goal. Today I got right back on track and I feel great!!! You can do this!! If you slip, shrug it off and do what you can to make it better!
