Should I keep eating Power Bars for sports or not??

For like 5 years till 08 I would eat one 30 mins before I played sports it was great. My stamina power speed energy alertness was amazing no matter what sport I played. My performance like they say really was 3x as good. Won more. Afterwards though I had a tough time winding down after especially trying to sleep at night. I also drank Gatorade too.

Yeah, the next day I feel recovered like I'm not tired from the sport. I don't drink Red Bull but last year I read how unhealthy Red Bull is and thought wow maybe that's true of Power Bar too. So, I weaned myself off it. First 1/2 bar, then 1/4 and now none. My performance definitely suffered. Not as fast not as good not as strong and not react as fast and not as alert in my sports performance.

The best thing though about having no Power Bar was that I no longer have trouble winding down afterwards. I feel tired after the sports.

But now, I do know my true strength, power, speed, etc. And know what to work on.
Started p90x on June 1/09, so hopefully performance factors will improve for sports.
My question is : Does anyone have any info on Power Bar good or bad? Anyone else take it/took it?

Any thoughts?

I'm so tempted to take it again. I so missed those days of amazing sports performance. Even 1/4 of a Power Bar was very effective.

The one I had was the regular one or I would eat the Pria.


  • coachkathy
    coachkathy Posts: 35
    P90x is awesome! You will love it! I've done a round & my husband is on his 2nd round! It's such a well rounded program!

    Go to & check out the book just released titled "The Primal Blueprint" written by a former triathlete. It's got some great stuff in there about performance foods/drinks, etc.

    If you have any questions about P90x, click on my profile & send me an email. I am an Independent Beachbody Coach.

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    the power bars I think you are speaking of have a lot of junk like high fructose corn syrup and for has the dreaded soy...I dont see any caffiene listed but that isnt unusual it could still be in there.....not sure why you were getting what sounds like a caffiene effect...but maybe it is in there

    I would look for a cleaner bar if you need the convenience of the bars...I am curious though why your preformance was enhanced .....

    it is hard to find a good protein bar that doesnt have a bunch of soy and sugar in them

    hope you get the answer you want
  • justdoingit
    justdoingit Posts: 185 Member
    I never really got into the Power Bar thing because I thought they were always high in calories. I like the Odwalla meal bars which are all natural and have tons of vitamins, etc. and taste good. For energy, I take liquid B Complex vitamins everyday. I get the energy to work out (if it is running or hiking for more than two hours, I take an extra dropperfull) and I still get to sleep well at night.

    I guess you ought to do what works for you...:smile:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Have you tried creatine monohydrate? I used to take some with a tall glass of water (about 16 oz) before working out and I could really feel the difference, lots of extra endurance and strength for my P90X workouts.

    I'm trying to do without now and I feel the way you do off the protein bars, hehe.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I personally like cliff products. I use the cliff shots for long endurance bike rides and runs. I recently went to a run clinic that was given by marathon runners sponsored by power bar. These people eat 30-40 a week with no problems and have for years. Some do have caffeine which is great for some people, maybe not for others.

    It really depends on the products you use. I think you use what works best for your body. Some say soy is bad others say it is good. Personally I am going to continue using my soy protein until a study comes out that is not sponsored by the dairy company.

    If power bar worked for you, go for it. I found that a hot bath and a book helps we wind down if I workout at night.

    Good Luck.
  • strongandfit
    strongandfit Posts: 231
    Thanks everyone for your feedback. Gives me lots to think about regarding it. I think I'm going to stay off it. Power Bar. I do miss how sports performance while taking it but my body was still way too pumped even many hours afterwards made it way too hard to relax after. Thanks for the help you guys!:flowerforyou:
  • ShawnaLynn
    ShawnaLynn Posts: 6 Member
    If you are looking to lose weight....even if you aren't, I wouldn't go with a sugar packed bar. Eat whole foods!!! Why not some oatmeal/ whole grain/whole wheat pb and j sandwich? How about some fruit and a light cheese stick? Weight your options...think slow digesting carbs to get you through your workout instead of sugar... :bigsmile: