One year MFP Anniversary - 100lbs plus healthier



  • flutternfly
    flutternfly Posts: 123
    2) Eating 1200 calories or less a day – and then burning 700 to 800 calories is a dumb idea, especially if you have less than 25lbs to get you to a healthy BMI, your body will not appreciate it, and eventually your weight loss will stall… me it is just a matter of time!

    Disclaimer - Very obese people can get away with bigger calorie deficits (for a while), personally I have very seldom netted less than a 1000 calories a day, and for the first 12 months I managed a loss of 2lbs a week....until that plateau hit....

    6) Your weight loss might stall, or even plateau. I am so thankful that when that happened I knew what it was – and not to panic – it is my body’s way to stabilise and adjust – and yes – remind me that I need to feed it enough food…..

    6a) And tongue firmly planted in my cheek – “After all I need to give my bones time to shrink”

    Congratulations on being active for a year! Your post was so inspiring. The last two weeks, I've been stuggling being stuck in a plateau. Loved your advice and will continue to push through.

    I love your goal too!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks for sharing about the calories you ate, amen to that!! Living proof!! Great job, not just great, wonderful and you deserve a medal for all the work you've done!! Glad I ran across this post, hadn't seen it before! Congrats to an awesome lady, denise:flowerforyou:
    Today is my one year anniversary here on MFP – wow – what a year and what a ride it has been!

    I wrote this status update for my pals this morning- and I do want to extend the thanks to everyone out in the MFP community.

    “Yah - Today is my one year anniversary on MFP - what an amazing year it has been - and one of the main reasons for that is the fabulous people I have met - each and everyone of you is very special to me - and even though I am not always as active here as I would like to be I just needed to tell you all how much you inspire me each and every day - I love you all to bits - and here is to the next 365 days of health, fitness and fabulousness for us all!!”

    I am not pals with the rest of you here on MFP – but I have learnt so much from many of you – soaked up the information you shared, taken on board your advice – and been inspired by all your triumphs – and your frustrations, sometimes it helps to know you are not alone in what you are going through, or experiencing!

    My actual journey (or cruise as someone called it on the forums the other day) started on 6 September 2010 – but I only found MFP on 11 April 2012 …

    So what have I learnt this year?

    1) You have to have a “WHY” – The stronger your why – the easier it will be to stick with it day in and day out….

    2) Eating 1200 calories or less a day – and then burning 700 to 800 calories is a dumb idea, especially if you have less than 25lbs to get you to a healthy BMI, your body will not appreciate it, and eventually your weight loss will stall… me it is just a matter of time!

    Disclaimer - Very obese people can get away with bigger calorie deficits (for a while), personally I have very seldom netted less than a 1000 calories a day, and for the first 12 months I managed a loss of 2lbs a week....until that plateau hit....

    3) I have learnt a new vocabulary – words I use all the time now: Determined, Dedicated and Disciplined is at the top of my list.

    4) I have also “lost” some words: Can’t, Hate (Like in “I hate vegetables” or “I hate the treadmill”)

    5) Running is not something you only do when you are chased – it can actually be fun!

    6) Your weight loss might stall, or even plateau. I am so thankful that when that happened I knew what it was – and not to panic – it is my body’s way to stabilise and adjust – and yes – remind me that I need to feed it enough food…..

    6a) And tongue firmly planted in my cheek – “After all I need to give my bones time to shrink”

    7) There are different options for nutrition – and low fat, low protein, high carb is not the only option, or even in my humble opinion the best way to feed your body.

    8) I am a cave woman from way back – give me Paleo, or Primal eating and I do not get hungry – or have cravings – ever! I eat masses of vegetables and salads every day, but can't see myself ever turning vegetarian.

    9) The answer to “I am always hungry” – Eat Protein!

    10) The answer to “I can’t eat more than I am already eating” - Coconut oil, butter, eggs, avocado, salmon, olives, nuts, nut butters and full fat yogurt, full fat milk is actually good for you, and a great way to increase your calories without having to eat tons more food in a day. Sugar is NOT a good way to increase your daily calories!!

    11) Everything in moderation – including moderation is the way to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

    12) I have learnt what “clean eating means” – and it has changed the way I feed myself – It is highly unlikely these days that any “pre-packaged” foods make it into my house – it is just as quick to prepare from scratch – if you have the right ingredients, and you have done a bit of preparation in advance.

    13) With a couple of hours of planning and preparation on a Sunday night, I can pack my daily lunches to take to work in 10 minutes, and prepare dinner in 15 minutes during the week.

    14) There are times when I will pick up a bit of weight – but now I catch it after 2 or 3 kg’s – and deal with it immediately… my old life 3 would have become 4 or 5 or 6…..

    15) A torn meniscus in my knee (or any other injury) is not an excuse to stop exercising! There are heaps of things you can still do. Since the beginning of the year I increased my upper body strength and am now playing with "boy weights" when I lift. I increased your dumbbell bench press from 26lbs to 38.5lbs dumbbells, and my single arm dumbbell rows from 30lbs to 44lbs.

    16) Listen to your orthopaedic surgeon when he tells you to “use common sense” getting back to gym after surgery – apparently it is not normal to be back in the gym 4 days after surgery, or to take up kick boxing 2 weeks after surgery….

    17) My idea of “common sense” when it comes to my newfound fitness is not the same is most “normal people”

    18) I am much stronger - both mentally and physically than I had ever believed I could be. I love lifting heavy, and my amazing trainer that has been on this cruise with me from day one makes sure that I challenge my boundaries and belief in myself every time I work out.

    19) I refuse to make excuses any longer - I find solutions (and again my trainer is a key part of helping me find the best solutions). Being diagnosed with level 4 osteoarthritis in my knees made me realise that as I am getting older my body is not always going to play ball - I can choose to use that as an excuse - or I can find ways to still have an active, fun life....

    This past easter weekend I did Extreme Quad Biking up and down a mountain in a forest, and then a half day kayaking trip - at the end of the weekend my shoulders and arms were in more pain than my knees - but I was buzzing on adrenaline!!

    20) I do not have a goal weight any longer – I have a goal life – and I am living it every single day – and loving it!

    October 2010


    January 2011


    August 2011 (100 lbs healthier :-)

  • shaunasoares
    shaunasoares Posts: 19 Member
    Wow what a great post, you are truly beautiful inside and clearly outside as well!!! Way to go
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    You are such an inspiration. Congrats!
  • yelpat
    yelpat Posts: 414 Member
    Very inspirational. Congrats!
  • whamann1
    whamann1 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow! What an inspiring story! I need help with your number 13. Any tips on planning your 15minute dinners and to-go work lunches? I feel burdened by the "chore" of it.
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member
    Wow! You are an inspiration! I have 100 to loose and I try not to feel daunted by the challenge. I do go one day at a time. Stalls get me so discouraged...
    It's the loosing steady and then it just stops for a time. I now believe that for me, cutting back too many calories isn't going to make the weight come off and the muscles that I am gaining from hard work and exercise aren't going to get any bigger or make me leaner until I feed them.

    Thank you for posting your success
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