What should I do?!?

So when I begun on here about 2 weeks ago MFP assigned me to 1200 calories a day as my goal. I seriously have been struggling with keeping under that amount and feel as if I am always hungry. This could be due to the fact that I am focusing so much on food or because, as I read yesterday, I am not getting the amount of calories my body needs.

I read a few posts yesterday, one in particular, that I should be using my BMR and TDEE to figure out how many calories I should be intaking on a daily basis. If I did my calculations right, I should be eating 1852 calories on non-workout days and 2403 calories on days I lift weights. This seems like a HUGE amount to be eating in a day!

My question is....is this whole TDEE thing correct, is this what I should be doing to lose weight? Second, can someone please check my math because I am really bad at it?

Third, how much should I eat on days I do cardio?

31 year old female, 113 lbs, 5'0" and moderately active. My BMR is 1149 and TDEE is 1979 (from my math). Thank you!!


  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    Be forewarned, you will get a lot of advice, much of it conflicting and the only way you'll figure out what's right for you is to try things and see. At 113 pounds and 5 foot, you aren't overweight so those 10-13lbs you want to lose aren't coming to come off easily. Is there are a reason you've picked the number you have? I commend you on doing weights because without knowing you, I suspect that at your weight, what you need to do is tone up rather than lose weight. If you look at the success stories you will find plenty of photos of women who are significantly smaller now but weigh the same as when they starting. 1lb of muscle takes up a smaller volume than fat hence, you can weigh the same but be smaller with a higher lean mass percentage. If I were you, I'd through away the scales, I'd get out your measuring tape and camera and document through numbers and pictures where you are now. Eat your at or a couple of hundred cals below your TDEE on non-weight lifting days and aim to get enough protein (~100-110g/day based on your weight) and slowly but surely you will see your body change. Good luck!
  • btm03
    btm03 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you for your post. I've had 2 children and never quite lost my motherly figure (including the belly pouch)! I was doing cardio only until I thought more about it and know that toning is my primary goal. I would however like to lose a few pounds. I was 105 lbs before children and although I'm not sure I can get there with muscle mass I will gain from strength training, it still is a "goal".

    With that being said, what do you recommend for strength training...specific exercises, a certain number of times per week, how long should each session be?!?
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    So when I begun on here about 2 weeks ago MFP assigned me to 1200 calories a day as my goal. I seriously have been struggling with keeping under that amount and feel as if I am always hungry. This could be due to the fact that I am focusing so much on food or because, as I read yesterday, I am not getting the amount of calories my body needs.

    I read a few posts yesterday, one in particular, that I should be using my BMR and TDEE to figure out how many calories I should be intaking on a daily basis. If I did my calculations right, I should be eating 1852 calories on non-workout days and 2403 calories on days I lift weights. This seems like a HUGE amount to be eating in a day!

    My question is....is this whole TDEE thing correct, is this what I should be doing to lose weight? Second, can someone please check my math because I am really bad at it?

    Third, how much should I eat on days I do cardio?

    31 year old female, 113 lbs, 5'0" and moderately active. My BMR is 1149 and TDEE is 1979 (from my math). Thank you!!

    MFP assigned you 1200 calories based on the info you gave it and your target weight loss - you need to make sure that it is correct, as many people underestimate their activity level.

    you also need to bear in mind that MFP ignores your exercise calories, so you don't have to just eat 1200, you can eat 1200 plus your calorie burn.


    Some people prefer to work out their real TDEE including execise and then set their deficit from there so that they are eating a more even spread of calories rather than 1200 one day, 1700 the next etc.
  • btm03
    btm03 Posts: 38 Member
    Bump...looking for more opinions and someone to check my calculations.
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    If you're looking for somewhere to start with weightlifting, get a copy of "New rules of weightlifting for women." I love it!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    So when I begun on here about 2 weeks ago MFP assigned me to 1200 calories a day as my goal. I seriously have been struggling with keeping under that amount and feel as if I am always hungry. This could be due to the fact that I am focusing so much on food or because, as I read yesterday, I am not getting the amount of calories my body needs.

    I read a few posts yesterday, one in particular, that I should be using my BMR and TDEE to figure out how many calories I should be intaking on a daily basis. If I did my calculations right, I should be eating 1852 calories on non-workout days and 2403 calories on days I lift weights. This seems like a HUGE amount to be eating in a day!

    My question is....is this whole TDEE thing correct, is this what I should be doing to lose weight? Second, can someone please check my math because I am really bad at it?

    Third, how much should I eat on days I do cardio?

    31 year old female, 113 lbs, 5'0" and moderately active. My BMR is 1149 and TDEE is 1979 (from my math). Thank you!!

    eat BETWEEN your TDEE and BMR if you are trying to lose weight. Do not eat over TDEE. If you are an infrequent or irregular exerciser, go with BMR plus exercise calories. If you have a set exercise routine that you don't vary, go with TDEE and do not include exercise calories (TDEE already factors them in).

    Customize your calories: choose GOALS, CHANGE GOALS, CUSTOMIZE GOALS, then enter the amount of your BMR or TDEE for your daily calories.

  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    Been doing these calcs for myself, so I just plugged in your numbers. If you know your bodyfat % you can get better numbers, but I agree that your BMR is about 1150-1225.

    Your TDEE for moderately active is about 1700-1950 (depends on what factor you want to use for moderate activity). Your cut range (15%) would be 1500-1650 (again depending on the factor) but this would be daily amount, you wouldn't eat back exercise calories since they are figured in.

    If you want to eat exercise calories, you should figure your TDEE as sedentary - so 1380-1460, which means that 15% cut would be about 1250 and you would eat back your exercise calories using this method.

    Does that make sense? So like sleeptexan said, choose based on what works best for you. And remember these are estimates. everything is an estimate. You may have to tweak.