Exercise and meal plan ideas! Help a sister out! ;)

euphoria11 Posts: 49
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so here it is, this is the first time in my long 22 year old life (wink wink) that I am losing weight on my own... no diet pills, no quick fixes, nothing of the sort. I just had a baby 2 months ago to date, and I am back in the gym, determined to get back in shape and get into a bikini by August. I would like to be close to my activity level from high school (but in a realistic way, I know my body is different now because I am older and have had a baby, but I do NOT believe having a baby is an excuse to be overweight or lazy).

I have always battled my weight. The summer after my junior year, beginning early May, I weighed up to 168 (I am 5'4) and I worked my butt off (literally) all summer, in between volleyball practice, weightlifting, trips to the gym, I was working out about 2-3 times daily about 4-5 times a week. However, I was also prescribed adipex. Needless to say I was down to 135 by late August. And I kept the weight off for about 2 years or maybe a little longer. But college drinking and fast food runs and a new found sedentary lifestyle slowly brought those numbers back up.

Now I am post pregnancy, and weighing 165 pounds. Luckily, I have lost the 28 preg pounds that I gained, pretty much like 2 weeks after I had the baby. But now I am disgusted that I am right back at the same place... I don't look super bad in my clothing or bathing suit, but I am not comfortable with my body. I am pre-preg weight, but with an unfirm tummy. Which HAS to go! :P

Ok, so my goal is to get down to about 135-140. I have gotten down to 128... and it was just too small for me and my frame. I am very athletic and muscular built.... being that small is just not for me. And honestly, I could care less about the scale, to me, it is more about feeling good in my skin and being confident. I would like to be in about a size 6. Not the 12 I am in now. :(

Here is where I could use some help from you guys...
I would like sample workout routines and meal plans...
I want to be sure I make a lifestyle change... I don't want to put in hard work again, only to gain it all back later.

So... help would be appreciated.
I know how to lose weight the right way, I would just like some input from others. Maybe you have better food options, or better exercises....

Anyways, Thanks for reading!


  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    The keys for me have been a varied workout schedule, planning my meals ahead of time and cooking at home. I've tried to lose weight in the past with diet and exercise, but I rarely kept at it for more than a month because I would get bored with my exercise and overwhelmed by take out options. Here's a sample week for me as far as workouts...

    Monday: Elliptical - 30 min
    Tuesday: Running and lower body/core strength
    Wednesday: Spin Class - 60 min
    Thursday: Running and upper body/core strength
    Friday: Rest Day
    Saturday: Spin Class or speed drills with a run
    Sunday: Easy run and Ice Hockey - 50-80 min game

    I switch it up to accomodate schedule changes and how my body feels... I might add in a game of golf or tennis, or swim laps instead. If my shins or ankles are really bothering me, I might hang up my running shoes for a week and focus on more low impact stuff like spinning and the elliptical.

    As for food, I usually eat the same breakfast every day... a bowl of Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal with blueberries and skim milk and a cup of coffee with cream and purevia (sweetener). If I wake up late and don't have time to eat before work, I grab a bowl of oatmeal from our cafeteria instead. For lunch, I almost always bring leftovers from dinner the night before, or if that fails, a lean cuisine or soup, or a salad with tuna. Sometimes I pack a peanut butter and banana or cheese sandwich and I feel like a kid :happy: I always pack two snacks for each work day... a morning snack of fruit and cheese and an afternoon snack that's tailored to whatever workout I'm planning. Dinner is usually something I can whip up in under 30 minutes, or that I can start and then put in the oven while I shower after working out. I don't eat meat (only fish), so this is actually pretty easy. I always cook for two, and then package up half of it for the next day so packing my lunch is a breeze. Here's what's on the dinner menu for next week...

    Monday: peanut noodles
    Tuesday: fruit and nut pilaf
    Wednesday: spinach pie and sweet potato fries
    Thursday: Dinner out at Chili's
    Friday: mushroom stroganoff
    Saturday: pan fried tilapia with sides TBD
    Sunday: taquitos (Trader Joes' frozen) with a big salad

    I'm also making a nice big batch of vegetarian chili to fill in any lunch time needs for the week as there will be some nights I don't have any leftovers.

    And that's about it!
    Good luck with everything :flowerforyou:
  • jdl249
    jdl249 Posts: 46
    First of all congrats on the baby!! :happy:

    For meals, this is my usual routine...I have five meals a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner.

    Breakfast is usually whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, some sort of juice [your choice], and either a bowl of Special K, or a bowl of oatmeal. Sometimes if I don't feel hungry I'll cancel the toast and just have cereal/oatmeal and juice.

    Snacks are usually [for me] yogurts, fruits, or those little 90-calorie Special K bars. Usually it's the first two though. Lately I've been on a "banana in the early afternoon/yogurt before dinner" rut. You don't want to have too many of the 90 calorie Special K bars because they add to your sugar content.

    Lunch and dinner is usually chicken with some sort of vegetable. I love string beans, broccoli, corn, peas, potatoes...but I've been told those last three are starchy, so you might want to avoid those.

    As for my exercise plan...I go outside with weights (3 pound ones) and go walking to a spot 5 minutes away (one-way) from my house, like for example I have a radio station near me. Walk at your own speed and speed up if you feel you can do it. I just went outside, started slow, built my way up, and saw (via my AIM away message which documented the time I put it up) that I had walked for an HOUR doing this! I also listen to music while walking which keeps me going.

    If you haven't already, get Jillian Michaels' 30-Day Shred. There's a group for it here and it will literally kick you in the butt the first few days, but it is AMAZING!!! I am still on level 1 after 2 weeks. I do both 30-Day Shred and a good walk (3 times between my house and the radio station...don't ask me how I got an hour today, NO IDEA!!!) every day, but your body will tell you when it's tired of you pushing it. As Diana suggested, take a rest day in the week if need be.

    Good luck hon!!! :smile:

  • bitty_401
    bitty_401 Posts: 75
    Ok, so here it is, this is the first time in my long 22 year old life (wink wink) that I am losing weight on my own... no diet pills, no quick fixes, nothing of the sort. I just had a baby 2 months ago to date, and I am back in the gym, determined to get back in shape and get into a bikini by August. I would like to be close to my activity level from high school (but in a realistic way, I know my body is different now because I am older and have had a baby, but I do NOT believe having a baby is an excuse to be overweight or lazy).

    I have always battled my weight. The summer after my junior year, beginning early May, I weighed up to 168 (I am 5'4) and I worked my butt off (literally) all summer, in between volleyball practice, weightlifting, trips to the gym, I was working out about 2-3 times daily about 4-5 times a week. However, I was also prescribed adipex. Needless to say I was down to 135 by late August. And I kept the weight off for about 2 years or maybe a little longer. But college drinking and fast food runs and a new found sedentary lifestyle slowly brought those numbers back up.

    Now I am post pregnancy, and weighing 165 pounds. Luckily, I have lost the 28 preg pounds that I gained, pretty much like 2 weeks after I had the baby. But now I am disgusted that I am right back at the same place... I don't look super bad in my clothing or bathing suit, but I am not comfortable with my body. I am pre-preg weight, but with an unfirm tummy. Which HAS to go! :P

    Ok, so my goal is to get down to about 135-140. I have gotten down to 128... and it was just too small for me and my frame. I am very athletic and muscular built.... being that small is just not for me. And honestly, I could care less about the scale, to me, it is more about feeling good in my skin and being confident. I would like to be in about a size 6. Not the 12 I am in now. :(

    Here is where I could use some help from you guys...
    I would like sample workout routines and meal plans...
    I want to be sure I make a lifestyle change... I don't want to put in hard work again, only to gain it all back later.

    So... help would be appreciated.
    I know how to lose weight the right way, I would just like some input from others. Maybe you have better food options, or better exercises....

    Anyways, Thanks for reading!
    Try Sparkpeople.com they have good meal plan and exercises routine and they change everyweek.check it out.
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