Giday Everyone

Hello to all in the land of MyFitnessPal.

Thanks to one of my fantastic friends, I have been introduced to this awesome site, and so far I am absolutely loving it.

I am Bec by the way. I have been obese my entire life (well that's not entirely true, I am sure there was a time in my childhood that I flew past normal weight at some stage) and being that I am a 28 year old mother of one, I figured it was about time I started to actually live my life, instead of just making it through.

I have a very long and hard road ahead of me, but I know with the right mindset and amazing support I will get to the place I am meant to be.

I am not new to dieting, as I have been up and down my whole life. Unfortunately my heaviest I remember being was 170kg (approx. 375lbs). Thankfully at this stage of my life I am not that heavy any more weighing in at 139kg (approx. 286lbs) and I never wish to reach that kind of weights ever again in my life time.

I have my personal goals I wish to reach and with any luck I will get to these goals and plus some. But for now, I think it is best to focus of my baby steps into all of this and keep a level, realistic mind to it all.

Look forward to taking this journey with you all.




  • Welcome. sounds like you have done really well so far and welcome to the site. You will find heaps of support and friends here. Good luck mate. Feel free to add me as a friend. Would love to follow your progress. Cheers.
  • Thank you. I look forward to sharing and learning =)
  • starryol
    starryol Posts: 16
    Welcome, the best thing I did was join this site. I have friends of all ages in more than one country. They have been there with me through the good and the bad. The encouragement & support I have had on bad days (Ihave fibromyalgia amongst other things) has helped me a lot. You are welcome to add me as a friend if you wish. Enjoy the experience:smile:
  • Thank you so much, I will do that, and yes I have found so far this site to be very inspirational.