Snack ideas!

Right, so I like to eat my meals like this-


My snacks usually consist of apples, bananas, special k bars, rivita and philidelphia light.

I find that after an apple/banana or special k bar I am not full at all, infact I feel hungrier, if thats possible?

Any ideas on what I can have for low calorie snacks that will fill me up more? Please bare in mind I am in the UK.


  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    Totally possible. That darn sugar! Want a great snack that will fill you up? Find some good hearty protein. Low-fat yogurt with berries, cottage cheese...things like that. Even some lean meat on a wrap (smaller serving than a full meal is a great snack). Jamie Eason has some great recipes for Protein Bars too that are totally yum and filling! (It's like permission to eat pumpkin bread or carrot cake (without the frosting, of course)!)
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Fruit works OK for me - you have to wait about 10mins after eating it to feel less hungry though. Otherwise I'd happily eat an apple followed by a mars bar for my snack;)

    Yoghurts are pretty good - I like the Muller Light which are big tubs for less than 100 cals. The act of spooning it slowly into my mouth seems to make me feel fuller

    Peanuts are pretty high cals for the amount you eat, but make me feel full for quite a while. I use them as evening snacks after a workout

    Sometimes I just have a hot drink (green tea is what people say you should go for, but I'll happily spend 40 cals on a light hot chocolate LOL) - good if you are nearing your cal limit

    Carrots & hummus - again the act of crunching away for a while seems to make me think I've eaten more....
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Protein is what you need to feel fuller.

    So: cheese - cottage cheese on a rice cake or ryvita, or Dairylea light. Or a stick of chedar, or string sheese.

    Eggs: a hard boiled egg is a great snack. If you like them, buy a jar of pickled eggs.

    Meat - a slice of ham or roast chicken. I like to drape a slice of parma ham on a cracker with some slices of tomato.

    Fish - Crab sticks are easy to transport. I keep them in the office fridge. 25 calories each.

    Nuts and seeds - almonds, walnuts, peanuts. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds. You can nibble away at a small handful and they'll last a long time.

    Beans - wasabi beans or peas are my favourite. But you can find recipes for roast chickpeas. Or make humous -eat with celery or carrot sticks.
  • clairabell2024
    clairabell2024 Posts: 194 Member
    Bananas fill me up no end!

    Asda sell these fruit, granola and yoghurt snack pots. There a quid and like 190 cals, huge and are sooo filling! Ive been trying to find plain oat granola everywhere, to try my own but no success!

    A low cal chocolate fix (not filling though) is the cheapest range in the supermarket of chocolate mousse! The cheap ones are always lowest in cals and they taste amazing!

    Have your laughing cow and ryvita and stack it high with cherry toms, onions, lettuce and peppers!

  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    I have the same problem - I'm constantly hungry! I tried string cheese sticks, but even after 10 - 15 minutes I'm still starving. I usually end up eating about four of them over an hour before I feel not full, but at least not hungry!
  • joyspear
    joyspear Posts: 20
  • brismom070897
    brismom070897 Posts: 178 Member