quitting smoking

Hi... I started smoking at the age of 26...(REALLY dumb) I turned 40 this past October. I REALLLLLY want to quit. I am set on a date now, and I am going to be using Chantix. Does anyone have any advice, warnings, and supportive things to help me thru this?

How I know I am ready :
I HATE the smell of smoke, I hate the taste.... not to mention the cost!!

PLUS... I am a runner., well, I am trying to be anyways... and smoking is NOT helping my cause.

Lately I have been forgetting my ciggarettes, opting to go to bars with NO smoking, and sometimes I dont' remember it is time for a butt until I look at the clock. My only issue now is that in the past I have tried quitting cold turkey and because I am suseptible to migraines, the nicotine withdrawals were trigering migraines.
silly as it sounds, at this point, I think I would rather have a migraine than the miriad of other health issues I am going to have if I continue to smoke.
I am a breast cancer survivor.... no use in tempting fate!! :ohwell:

Now that I am done rambling, can anyone constructively help me out here???? thanks!! :bigsmile:


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Hi... I started smoking at the age of 26...(REALLY dumb) I turned 40 this past October. I REALLLLLY want to quit. I am set on a date now, and I am going to be using Chantix. Does anyone have any advice, warnings, and supportive things to help me thru this?

    How I know I am ready :
    I HATE the smell of smoke, I hate the taste.... not to mention the cost!!

    PLUS... I am a runner., well, I am trying to be anyways... and smoking is NOT helping my cause.

    Lately I have been forgetting my ciggarettes, opting to go to bars with NO smoking, and sometimes I dont' remember it is time for a butt until I look at the clock. My only issue now is that in the past I have tried quitting cold turkey and because I am suseptible to migraines, the nicotine withdrawals were trigering migraines.
    silly as it sounds, at this point, I think I would rather have a migraine than the miriad of other health issues I am going to have if I continue to smoke.
    I am a breast cancer survivor.... no use in tempting fate!! :ohwell:

    Now that I am done rambling, can anyone constructively help me out here???? thanks!! :bigsmile:
    I am 56 and started when I was 7. Yes my sisters knew I wouldn't tell on them if I did it to. I have quit many times over the years and always start again. I don't know if I even care at this point. I do hide it from my grandchildren, they don't know I smoke.
  • maxybaby8
    maxybaby8 Posts: 17
    hi i started smoking at 15 give up at 46 best thing i ever did but it was not easy i had nicotine gum which did help with the craving i am also trying to run and it will get easier as time goes on add me if you want iam also doing the couch to 5k and doing the run for life on the 20th may for breast cancer
  • TeresaJS
    TeresaJS Posts: 4
    Is there a new leaf group near you you could sign up with,me and my hubby have quit using patches and gum..we are on 22 days smoke free and doing good.The first few days are the hardest but you can get through that ,we start doing something else or go for a walk when a craving hits but they are few and far between now.Drinking water can also fight a craving..we dont drink alcohol as we find that triggers cravings.

    You will feel so much better if you quit i have asthma and my breathing has been so much better since we quit :)

    Gd luck in your quit

  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    I don't know what there is out there for us quitters. I just really want this. Not only for me, but for my kids. My daughter is constantly on my case....with good reason... plus she is 16, I dont' want her getting it in to her head that if she can't beat em, join em....

    Thanks for advice thus far.
    I am hoping to get more info on the chantix from actual users.........:happy:
  • redheaded_dem
    redheaded_dem Posts: 26 Member
    I need to quit too.... I have done 3 sprint tri's and training for them this year is SO MUCH HARDER than 2 years ago.

    I am turning 40 this year too and I need to stop. Chantix gave me nightmares, so I am thinking the patch.

    Maybe the group that the PP brought up?