has anyone tried to stop you from losing weight?



  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    My fiance is a chef. He eats one, maybe 2 meals a day which are extremely high in fat/cals/sodium and he tries to feed me these same foods. I honestly gained 65lbs since I met him (most of it is due to health issues but his cooking sure as hell didn't help!). I'm one of those people who eats all day long! I can't go more than 2-3 hours without eating and if food is put in front of me, I eat it. For the longest time, I couldn't get him to understand this! He would literally serve me 6 full meals on a freakin platter!!! I finally convinced him that for my health I couldn't have him keep doing this. It's taken a very long time and a lot of fights but it has finally, for the most part, sunk in! He made me oatmeal the other morning that clocked in at a whopping 600 cals (he made me a cup and a half instead of the usual 1/2-3/4 c and added a bunch of dried fruit!) but at least it was oatmeal and not fried eggs, bacon and sausage!

    He shows his affection through food so it's tough for him when I don't want to eat something he's made or if I want him to make something in a different way.
  • toothfairybuttkicker
    toothfairybuttkicker Posts: 12 Member
    i'm surrounded by it daily. friends that are 'supportive' yet are snuffling chocolate around me like its going out of fashion. My husband who pretends to be supportive but resents when i need me time to exercise or rest.

    The worst are my mom and pops. My Mom has no idea about eating clean but boasts shes lost a stone by cutting out bread and potatoes (yet friday she took us for a meal out and ate a bowl of cheesy bacon fries nad fish and chips)

    My pops is a feeder. whenever he comes to my house to child mind ne brings Bags of food. he sends me off to work with a packed lunch that feeds 3 of us in work!!!