Nearing pre-pregnancy weight...

So I weighed myself this morning and I am less than 5 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight... I should be more excited since I'm already so close just 3 and a half months after having my son, but I can definitely tell that my pre-pregancy weight will not equal pre-pregnancy body! I'm sure there are a lot of women out there that have had this problem... How long did it take to get your post pregnancy body to resemble your pre-pregnancy body?? I've started lifting heavy again these last 3 weeks, so hopefully I can build back some of the muscle tone I lost the last year!

I know I am extremely lucky b/c I ended up with only a few stretch marks on my love handles and just a few on my lower stomach, so I'm hoping the skin continues to tighten up as I lose these last few pounds!


  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Our bodies change during our pregnancies. I have accepted that my body will never be the same as before. I got back down to my pre-pregnancy by 4 months (1st pregnancy) and by 11 months (2nd pregnancy), but my body feels more flabby. I am less flabby now that I am working out, and I am pretty happy with my body. I still have loose skin in my belly that is noticeable when I am sitting down or bent over, but I don't think they will go away without surgery.

    Good luck the last 5 lbs.