Are the cookies doing me in?



  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    I had the same thing, I would be under on cals but over on sugar and not lose a lb. I feel your pain :sad:
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    I had the same thing, I would be under on cals but over on sugar and not lose a lb. I feel your pain :sad:

    So your body defies the laws of physics?
  • Jessyiam
    Jessyiam Posts: 9
    There are absolutely calories in cookies until you put them in your mouth. :laugh:

  • Jessyiam
    Jessyiam Posts: 9
    Mmmmmm, work up the calories in the recipes section on here and then send me some. :smile:

    Oooooo, also, so you've basically maintained your weight for 12 days? That's nothing! That's too much sodium a day or two before weigh in or not enough sleep or too much stress or that time of the month or the moon not being in the seventh house and Jupiter not aligning with Mars. It could be anything.

    My fav reply! Thanks! :happy:
  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    Unless you're doing a lot of weight training I wouldn't attribute your weight maintenance to being fat/muscle conversion. Just make sure you're measuring everything and keep up with the good work.

    If I could make a suggestion, it would be to make sure your cookies are being calculated correctly (you've put the recipe into the site, right?) but the fact that they're sugar/carb-loaded shouldn't make a difference as long as your total net calories balances out.

    And you might want to try eating more! 1200 is barely enough for normal functioning. I would try maybe 1400 and see if that helps.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I want to know what kind of cookie it is that you can eat 4-6 and still be under 1200 calories eating all of the other healthy stuff?!

    Most days I work out to up my calories to about 1800-2000, leaving room for about 600 or so calories of cookies! Days I don't work out, well, I just eat over 1200 calories every time.

    So you work off 600 to 800 calories on most days? Just a hunch here, but unless you're using an HRM, maybe you need to be paying more attention to the calories out side of the equation.