Scared to get pregnant?!



  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I know I would never regret it.
    And I have already planned to keep tracking and at least taking daily walks.
    And I am hoping that because of my age I can "bounce back" (hoping to be 22 by then)
    I have never had a perfect body, I dont think I ever will.

    My mother gained ALOT of weight with my brother and I. Thats what scares me big time!!!
    At least 60lbs with each. She really didnt lose after either.
    Is it like stretch marks? IF your mom gained weight, you will?

    My mom didn't gain much at all during her pregnancies and went right back to her 'normal' body but I was a different story. I had crazy stretch marks and didn't really work out.

    Fear of a changing body is normal with your pregnancy but eating right and working out during pregnancy is the best way to ensure you don't gain too much....I think with both of my pregnancies I didn't gain much until the end of my second trimester and then my tummy got huge! Losing weight after having my 1st was much easier than my second pregnancy because I was a lot younger.

    Good luck !
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Your body will change anyway. I'm glad i have the kids to show for it.

    Very nicely put!!
  • stephaniemorris09
    Even if you gain a million pounds and never lose it, you won't care once you have that baby in your arms. Don't worry about weight when you are pregnant, worry about having a healthy baby. Take lots of walks and make good food choices when your cravings don't make you do otherwise. You'll be fine. Women have been doing this for a loooong time!
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    i have the same problem, but not because of the weight...couldnt care less about gaining weight with a pregnancy, because by the end that is not important, what is important is to have a healthy baby. The weight you can always take out with more or less effort, but the health is for life.
  • jesscaponigro
    jesscaponigro Posts: 114 Member
    I am with you on this. We are talking about getting trying to have a baby next summer. I've worked so hard to get where I am today (I hit healthy BMI) and I have about 10 pounds to my ultimate goal weight. It terrifies me to get pregnant. So many people gain so much weight. One of my friends actually spoke to her doctor about it and they have her still counting calories and exercising so that she gains the appropriate weight during her pregnancy, so far so good. I expect some changes to my body, I just don't want to add 50+ pounds like most women do.
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    I had my son 18 months ago and I was also scared of getting pregnant and gaining all the weight because I had worked sooo hard to lose all the weight and get into shape. I got pregnant at the end of January 2010 (it was planned) and before I got pregnant I ran 5 half marathons, a bunch of 5Ks and 10K races. I worked out every day while pregnant and continued to run until I was 4 1/2 months along. I continued to do my Biggest Loser DVDs, Jillian Michaels and even Tae Bo. I added in some prenatal workouts as well and walked on the treadmill. I watched what I ate, still did my weekly weigh ins and kept a food journal. I ate really healthy (egg whites, plenty of fruits and veggies), etc. I gained 36 lbs and worked out til the day I went into the hospital. Within 1 week I lost 22 lbs and had to work for the rest of the weight loss. Alot of what I gained was water weight. I took 1 week off from working out and then got right back into it. Within a few months I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 134. I am currently maintaining at 125 right now. I actually am in better shape NOW then I was before I got pregnant.

    I completely understand where you are coming from because I obsessed about gaining weight while I was the point where the nurses were annoyed with me when they had to do my weekly weigh ins. Its all worth it in the end because I look at my little guy now and I cant imagine my life without him!
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    One more thing: You definitely arent being selfish.. I am glad that I had my son but I dont plan on having another child. One is enough for me, both physically and mentally. Even though I had a pretty easy pregnancy (no morning sickness, no major cravings, 3 hr labor), I dont want to gain weight again. Ive been through the weight loss process too many times to go through it yet again. And I dont think thats being selfish at all. ALSO, Im 34 now and I would be considered a high risk pregnancy not just because of my age, but also because I have fibroid tumors that they would constantly have to monitor to make sure they dont grow. They had to do this with my first pregnancy because my uterus didnt have full blood supply because I had a procedure years ago to shrink the fibroids (long story)...I was constantly going back and forth to the doctor to have his growth and the tumor monitored.
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advice and such!
    You are all amazing!
    I just hope I can be as awesome as all of you in the future.

    No matter what we will be getting pregnant in the next 2 years.
    I just want to figure out if I am going to work my booty off prior to that, or just let nature take its course.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    thats a perfectly reasonable way to feel. I wasn't as scared the first time around because i had no idea what to expect, but it did change my body in ways i was not prepared for. Admittedly, i was unhappy with my body after baby, sad about what it had done to me....However, it motivated me like never before to get in shape, and when my son was 18 months old i got serious. Started tracking with MFP, doing 30 Day Shred 4ish days a week, and got into the best shape of my life -- at 29, after having a baby.

    Now i am pregnant with number 2. I'm 20 pounds less than I was when I got pregnant with my first, I'm still tracking calories (adding additional calories per trimester as recommended), still getting in exercise when i feel up to it, so it should hopefully be a lot easier this time around. Now I know that I did it once before, so i'm hoping that will be motivation enough to get ripped again once this baby is born. I'm actually looking forward to getting in shape again!

    It's a crazy ride, but it is worth every stretch mark and every second of all of it. There is no greater reward in life, i promise you. :flowerforyou:
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    I feel the same as you, girl. I'm not planning to have a baby in the next year or two, but a few years from now I hope to finally have one. And honestly, after all the struggle with losing and keeping weight off...well, it scares me that I'll undo all my progress with a pregnancy. Especially after seeing it happen to ALL of my friends! LOL

    But to be truthful...I'm sure a baby will be SO worth the changes. And if we've lost the weight once, we can sure as heck do it again!
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I want to get pregnant before im 30.. .Of course I want a husband too lol.
    BUT, Ive been trying to lose with for 4 years now. Gain, lose... Never got to where I want. If I get there in the next year, or even 4, i want time to feel beautiful in my body, have the body ive wanted.... I will definetly be very scared to get pregnant, because ive ALWAYS struggled with weightloss...
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I am with you. I have lost a whole *kitten* ton of weight and have major body issues. ( like gaining a couple pounds send me into a near anxiety attack) The thought of gaining 30+ pounds like most preg friends scares the bejesus outta me. Plus I have back problems and know that I would not really be able to workout a whole lot if pregnant...what really sucks is that I want a few kids and would like one within the next yr or so......
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I never wanted kids.

    I was always overweight and when I first wen on a diet when i was 21 years old I lost a large amount of weight and was 20lbs from my goal weight wen YUP I got pregnant.

    Unfortunetly I gained 100lbs during my pregnancy due to toxemia and my thyroid going crazy.

    I have since only lost 40lbs of that weight and my son is going to be 4 in August.

    I do however want another child now.

    NOT until I reach my goal weight tho. :o)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I know I would never regret it.
    And I have already planned to keep tracking and at least taking daily walks.
    And I am hoping that because of my age I can "bounce back" (hoping to be 22 by then)
    I have never had a perfect body, I dont think I ever will.

    My mother gained ALOT of weight with my brother and I. Thats what scares me big time!!!
    At least 60lbs with each. She really didnt lose after either.
    Is it like stretch marks? IF your mom gained weight, you will?

    No it is not necessarily like that - it has a lot to do with your lifestyle and eating habits. A lot of women DO gain a lot of water weight even if they are careful with their diet and exercise, but that tends to fall right off after the delivery, plus you can try to minimize it with staying well hydrated and trying to make healthy choices. Don't let whatever your mother went through scare you, every pregnancy is different - even with the same woman, subsequent pregnancies can be very different. And even if you do gain 'real' weight, you know how to get it back off since you know about awareness of calorie input vs expenditure. Don't stress over this, just do it if it feels right and try to make good choices.
  • Heatherz131
    I lost weight in my first trimester of being pregnant and was given a serious talking to by my midwife as the baby takes what it needs regardless of what Mum is doing. But as some one else has said the first time you hold the baby you don't worry about your size, just how you can protect that small person for the rest of their life. And once they get mobile you start to loose weight anyway!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one! :flowerforyou:

    I have been working hard for the last year+ to lose almost 50 pounds. I am getting married on November 17 of this year and my fiance and I have decided to start trying to conceive asap after the wedding. I'll be 30, he will be 32. It's time. I have spent my entire adult life (well from college on) trying to get myself to a healthy weight and to where I am "happy" with myself in the mirror. I started at over 210 pounds and today I'm 161. I haven't been under 160 since sophomore year in high school. I know I will reach my goal but then I will turn around and become pregnant! ahh! I just wish I had worked harder in my early and mid-20's to where I wasn't at this point right now. :ohwell:
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Then adopt.

    Or don't have kids. Nothing says you HAVE to have them.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Pregnancy will change your body, but it won't necessarily ruin it! I wound up SKINNIER after having my son, because breastfeeding literally sucked the weight off of me.

    Eat well during your pregnancy, stay active as much as you can both during pregnancy and postpartum, breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months (if you can - nursing is best for both you and the baby!), and when you wean, remember to adjust your calorie intake down.
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    i was nervouse to get pregnant with my daughter, i had wanted to lose weight but it didnt work out that way. i ate extra healthy with her to avoid things like hypertention and gestational diabetes. (sorry my spelling sucks). in the end it didnt matter how big i was she came out healthy and perfect (mommy bias). now she is the greastest inspration for getting in shape i have ever had.