EA Your Shape Fitness evolved & EA Active 2 exercise buddies

We recently moved into a bigger place and have been able to set up our Kinect :) I have Dance Central, Your Shape Fitness evolved and Active 2, I'm looking for friends to join me on a fat blasting calorie killing, carbohydrate incinerating mission. :) We are going to Portugal in 7 weeks, and afterwards we are going skiing...seeing as my leg muscles are wuss's I need to build on my strength and shed 8 - 10 kilo's within the next few weeks. I already started yesterday (10/04/2012) but it's fine if you already doing it or if you want to start. I am not fussy, all i ask is that you do your workouts, and if one of your comrades (i.e me) should get lazy or i slip up i need someone to nag at me like my granny nagged at my dad ;) i shall return the favor and nag back at you!!!

I also do Turbo Jam, P90X, Chalean Xtreme, Zumba (which i started to learn today as i only got it yesterday) and have other Chalean Johnson workouts too I wish they would put these fab workouts on Wii and Kinect i think they are seriously killer!
You are welcome to do any of the above, i do one of the usual workouts in the mornings, and then i usually end up doing one of the Kinect workouts in the late afternoon or evening. I really just want some friends that does the EA stuff but anybody is really very welcome. I log in every day (sometimes weekends are a bit hectic so it depends) (that is if the reception in South Africa works) my food log is open to my friends for some help and pointers too.

So join me :) together we shall reach the optimal level of fitness and health!!


  • mistyladidah
    mistyladidah Posts: 210 Member
    Hi! I'm Sara... I've been using "Your Shape" for a couple months now... loving it! Right now I'm doing that 3 days a week, with running 3 more and a rest day. Feel free to add me!