New and Could Use Some Support

Just signed up and started today. Had a doctor's appointment this morning. I have high blood pressure and am now diabetic. And, i'm only 33!!!! I've lost weight before but put it back on (and more of it). I'd NEED to lose 100 pounds for my health...and I need to keep it off. My first goal is 10% weightloss. If anyone has any words of wisdom or encouragement, I would appreciate it. If anyone can suggest mini goals or ways to challenge myself (I hate to lose a challenge), i'd appreciate it.

Good luck to all!


  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    You are taking the first step...we all have to start at the beginning. I have had weight problems my entire life. For me personally, I spoke to a professional and talked about my food more secrets. Getting it "out there" helped quite a bit for me. ( I have about 75lbs to lose) Joining a gym and getting the ball rolling with cardio improved my out look as exercise just made me feel better, have more energy and less prone to sabotaging my food. You can do it!

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    TIDDYBEAR Posts: 63 Member
    Just remember, it didn't come on fast, so it isn't gonna go off fast. Be patient! Drink LOTS of water. I hate water, but my
    daughter told me to take a measuring cup and every half hour drink 1/2 cup. If you work 8 hours, then that is 8 cups drank
    during the day. Plus what you eat with meals. It does seem to work.
  • MoeNificent
    MoeNificent Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks Guys! It's day 2 and I haven't punched anyone I say that's progress. I've been drinking HUGE amounts of water! I haven't gotten the courage to join a gym yet (doesn't help that the closest gym is the one I went to a couple of years ago when I was 80 pounds lighter). But the significant other and I have been walking for the past few days (about 45 at a time). So at least i'm gettgng some exercise. And, i did see a weightloss clinic speacialist (recommended by my doctor) so start workign on some of the issues and to get my helth under control.