Help! Need motivation to work out/new things to try!

Hi there! I am pretty new to MFP, but I love it! I am hoping for some input on how to stick to my routine, and good ways to change it up. Mostly I use videos, walk/run on my treadmill and do weight training. Sometime I think I do to much to fast and burn myself out. But I can't shake my go big or go home attitude. I could use some advice about how to start into a routine I can maintain. And some ideas for things to try that out for new excersizes or sports etcetera. Would be greatly appreciated :)


  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi there! Welcome! My best advice would be to find a routine you can stick to and do for the rest of your life. I was spending close to 2 hours a day working out and burned myself out as well. Now I stick to 45-60 minutes and seem to be able to sustain it more. I also found exercised I ENJOY doing, that way I look forward to working out instead of having to talk myself into working out. I do Wii Zumba several times a week and now that the weather is finally nice I am talking a lot of walks and hikes, and soon bike rides! I think that once you find workouts that are enjoyable and feel less like WORK you will be able to maintain your routine for a longer period.

    I hope I helped!
  • Sassywolf
    Sassywolf Posts: 12
    I agree about finding the routine that works. I have a Wii and use the Just Dance 2. That burns quite a bit. I also use a kettle bell. That way you are doing something that will work the whole body. Just keep trying.
  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    This doesn't really answer your question, but one thing that hurt me is whatever routine you do make sure it is something you will always do. If you go like crazy to lose the weight and then slack off or think you will just do it a few times a week, you will gain weight and gain it quickly. My suggestion is do things that you enjoy and can see yourself doing forever.
  • all4derby
    all4derby Posts: 55
    If you have an iPhone/iPad, look up Gorilla Workout ( It has 3-4 levels and a workout for every day and they can be done anywhere. I usually do one of the workouts and some cardio. They change every day so you never get bored.

    If you don't have an Apple device, try this site (and ok, it says its roller derby exercises, but its a full body workout and they post a new one every day):

    Good luck!