Running and food help

I signed up for my first walk/run in September. I am really wanting to get serious about running. I plan on running in the morning. I don't do well eating in the mornings at all. What and when should I eat? I was reading on runner's world about eating carbs before (like an apple which I could handle) but what should I do afterward? Any help is greatly appreciated. :glasses:


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I hear a lot of runners prefer banana before a run because of the potassium. But the carbs in an apple would work too.

    Chocolate milk makes a good recovery drink. Then within 30-45 minutes, follow it up with proteins and carbs.

    Jessie mentioned her breakfast of choice once: oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder, peanut butter, and cottage cheese. Oh yeah, don't forget your multivitamin!

    EDIT: Oh yeah, stretch ... downward-dog is your friend (makes your calves happy)!
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I hear a lot of runners prefer banana before a run because of the potassium. But the carbs in an apple would work too.

    Chocolate milk makes a good recovery drink. Then within 30-45 minutes, follow it up with proteins and carbs.

    Jessie mentioned her breakfast of choice once: oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder, peanut butter, and cottage cheese. Oh yeah, don't forget your multivitamin!

    EDIT: Oh yeah, stretch ... downward-dog is your friend (makes your calves happy)!

    I can't do oatmeal, it's a consistency thing....same for grits, real mashed potatoes and tapiocca. I wish I could eat oatmeal since it is so good for me. :cry:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Fiber one? Any high fiber carb will do.

    You can blend the one with honey clusters into a protein shake ... yum ...
  • jsonnett02
    jsonnett02 Posts: 110
    the best post workout food is chocolate milk. It has the protein and carbs that help the body recooperate after the run. If you run less than an hour, you don't need to eat a big meal, but if it's more than really be sure to eat something after your run. I am running a marathon at the end of june and during my training I found that apples, bananas, or oatmeal before my run work the best with me. If you are running longer than an hour have a snack or gel with you. Gummy bears/worms are my go to snack, and I like the Hammer gels. They have the thickness like honey but not sticky. Experiment with a lot of things before your run, this way you know what works and what doesnt. After the run, I vary my foods. I like whole wheat bread with PBJ or PBH, whole wheat bagels with cream cheese, chocolate milk, banana or Power bars. I'm sure there are more than I have eaten but don't remember. Just make sure to get a carb to refuel your muscles, drink lots of water, and stretch really good. One of the sports drinks I really like besides G2, is HEED. It's made by Hammer (same as the gels), it gives you good energy and makes you feel like you can run forever. I drink this during long run days :smile:
    Hope this helped you some. If you have any questions during your training, don't be afraid to ask :flowerforyou: Best of luck!
  • jsonnett02
    jsonnett02 Posts: 110
    Fiber one? Any high fiber carb will do.

    You can blend the one with honey clusters into a protein shake ... yum ...

    The night before running you want to stay away from fiber. Trying to clench during your run is no don't want to have any accidents! I would avoid fiber, high doses at least :tongue:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Fiber one? Any high fiber carb will do.

    You can blend the one with honey clusters into a protein shake ... yum ...

    The night before running you want to stay away from fiber. Trying to clench during your run is no don't want to have any accidents! I would avoid fiber, high doses at least :tongue:

    For breakfast .. after her run ...

    Whole wheat toast is good too ... pair it with a veggie omlette, maybe a protein shake too depending on how many calories you burned during your workout.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I go for a kids Cliff z-bar before the run with a glass of water then after a run I drink chocolate milk. After a shower I have Plain Low-fat yogurt with a teaspoon of honey and some strawberries or granola.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I signed up for my first walk/run in September. I am really wanting to get serious about running. I plan on running in the morning. I don't do well eating in the mornings at all. What and when should I eat? I was reading on runner's world about eating carbs before (like an apple which I could handle) but what should I do afterward? Any help is greatly appreciated. :glasses:
    I run three days a week, usually before breakfast. Runs under 60-90 minutes I usually only have 8 oz of water or Gatorade when I get up. Runs over 90 minutes, I may have a banana or some toast or waffles, nothing too heavy. I usually follow my runs with a big breakfast, cereal with skim milk, scrambled eggs (egg beaters), lo fat canadian bacon, maybe a protein shake. It is often my biggest meal of the day. Runs over 90 minutes, I may carry some gels or sport drink to help keep me going.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Oh just saw this one pop up .. runner's club in case you haven't seen it yet: