Vegetarian: Getting Protein w/out Carbs?



  • sullymanjohn
    The fish...I'm considering putting sashimi back in my diet for two reasons 1) health benefits 2) It's freaking delicious.

    I give you my heartiest blessing :)

    Hahaha you wouldn't BELIEVE how much fish I used to have in my life back when I lived in Japan (for five years). Didn't discover the awesomeness of sashimi untill 2 years in and all that rice had made me crazy fat already lol
  • superstankazz
    Avocados!!! They have lots of healthy fat, they're full of fiber, they have more potassium than a banana , more protein than cow's milk and barely any net carbs:) There's a million and one ways to eat an avocado. I eat one every day!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of eggs and I get bored with nuts sooo other than your typical beans and grains (quinoa being my fav) I add in cottage cheese, protein powder and ricotta cheese (LOVE IT). I have a recipe for pancakes that adds cottage cheese and I often have a dessert of ricotta cheese with fresh berries and a dash of cinnamon or I will make a noodle free/veggie lasagna (eggplant slices and zuchini slices replace noodles). :)
  • sullymanjohn
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member

    THis is my problem too
  • sullymanjohn
  • Jujubebee
    I'm a grain-free vegetarian that dislikes beans, so I've had the same problem. I second the leafy greens suggestion. Greens actually contain alot of protein. Cooked spinach has DOUBLE the protein per calorie as kidney beans, for example (Table 2 on this page:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You can do protein shakes. Whey protein is a dairy product, if you eat dairy. If you are vegan there are vegan protein powders made from spirulina, soy, pea and even hemp protein.

    Greek yogurt is a favorite of mine, and mozzarella string cheese is a great protein packed snack.

    There are tons of meat substitutes, mostly made with soy. If you are hesitant about too much soy, the Brand "Quorn" makes soy-free high protein meat substitutes primarily from egg protein. And they are delicious.

    Eggs are another good option. I have an (irrational - I know) fear that I'm going to crack open a dead baby chicken so I mostly stick with egg beaters.

    If you've never tried it, try Tempeh. Its easy to cook- easier than tofu, and I think much tastier. You can google some tempeh recipies, or use it as a meat substitute in any asian recipe.
  • fatavatar
    1. Get divorced
    2. Find an excuse to be a less strict vegetarian (fish?/game?)
    3. Take supplements, and eat foods which come from far away and you don't know what to do with.

    My choice would be 2!
  • willyzification
    willyzification Posts: 95 Member
    Mushrooms are an excellent source of protein. Though, I can't understand why anyone would want to jack up their protein to the levels you are trying to hit. A normal body doesn't need that much, not even when building muscle.

    And yes, I agree with this. On average you only need 60 grams of protein a day. If you're building muscle I wouldn't go higher than 90. Just watch out. High levels of protein intake can cause significant damage to your kidneys in the long run. Good luck! :)

    Actually, 1g per lb of lean body weight is recommended if you're trying to build muscle.

    ^ almost correct. Its actually 1-1.5g per lb. The value of 60-90g of protein are for those who do absolutely NO EXERCISE (sedentary) and sit around all day. That is the value for most people because, you have to be honest, most people dont exercise and sit around all day.
  • newhopeden
    The RD I saw suggested I aim for 80g of protein a day. Even though I eat beans, rice, quiona, nuts, etc. I still have trouble reaching it every day without going over my calorie or carb intake.
  • willyzification
    willyzification Posts: 95 Member
    The RD I saw suggested I aim for 80g of protein a day. Even though I eat beans, rice, quiona, nuts, etc. I still have trouble reaching it every day without going over my calorie or carb intake.

    Um thing is, with getting protein from lentil sources and such they are incomplete protein. It doesnt have all the 10 essential amino acids and stuff. If you are a vegetarian then your best option is dairy products and SOY!!! Soy is pretty much the best thing a vegetarian has to a protein source from food unless you would like to go grab some protein powders.
  • melinda_
    melinda_ Posts: 1 Member
    protein shakes and bars.
  • sullymanjohn
    Can a couple of you guys take a look at my diary from today? You can see that it all tastes good, but even if you were eating cake every day eventually you'd need a different flavor than cake.
  • myiamilone99
    I love the Vega products for vegan protein. Hemp/Rice protein is good too.
    I am in love with Smart Dogs...they taste good, no carbs, and only 45 calories!

    Chia Seeds! I put chia seeds on everything. It only has 2g per tablespoon, but if you add that to your water, to your granola, ect ect it builds up and low calories otherwise. :)
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    protein powder? idk about the place you live in but we have some soy hotdog that has high protein :smile:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    The RD I saw suggested I aim for 80g of protein a day. Even though I eat beans, rice, quiona, nuts, etc. I still have trouble reaching it every day without going over my calorie or carb intake.

    Um thing is, with getting protein from lentil sources and such they are incomplete protein. It doesnt have all the 10 essential amino acids and stuff. If you are a vegetarian then your best option is dairy products and SOY!!! Soy is pretty much the best thing a vegetarian has to a protein source from food unless you would like to go grab some protein powders.

    But as a man, he seriously needs to read up on the arguments for and against soy in relation to the hormonal effects on men.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    cottage cheese and greek yogurt

    This, and also veggie burgers. Only problem w/ the fake meat stuff is that it's high in sodium and not as "clean" as beans or legumes, but you won't get as many carbs.
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    There are lots of ways. Beans are GREAT. Edamame is awesome. Lots of greans (Spinach is a low cal high protein food). NON-GMO Tofu --- those boca products are gmo unless otherwise noted. Organic Tempeh has about 20 grams of protein per serving. Chia seeds. Flax Seed. Raw protein shake. Asparagus has a bit of protein in it too. Quinoa is a complete protein and is a seed not a grain.

    Hope that helps!