For those who say they can't meet their calorie goals



  • I can't meet my goals because I spend 1-2 hours a day burning calories with exercise
    filling those exercise calories is hard when you're eating the right things...
    the only time I reach my goal is when I add vodka or I don't exercise...

    LOL! Me too! But beer or rum for me. Otherwise, I eat pretty healthy most days and I enjoy it. I don't only eat salads, veggie, & fruit. I just plan it out and cook healthy. Wasn't always the case, guess I just trained myself over the years.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I gained weight from eating nothing but rice, potatoes and bread. It's all I could eat without throwing up because of a stomach parasite I had for 8 years. The carbs just about killed me. After 8 years a doctor finally cured me with medication. Because of the pain associated with eating while sick with the parasite, I barely ate. So anything of the rice, potatoes or bread that I managed to keep down stuck to me and put my insulin through the roof. After being cured, it was very difficult to eat properly. Imagine, 8 years of barely eating, and when able to eat, it made made fat. I guess it was starvation mode for a long time. It's only with the help of this site that I have managed to up my calories, very slowly and carefully, and understanding from members here who were kind enough to explain why the calories were needed. So yes, if you do not have food as a priority in life, it's very easy to be unable to eat 1200 calories. I'm still having difficulty, but I'm getting there. :smile:

    Edited to add: The parasite I had feasted on carbs and stomach what I could eat actually fed the little pests.

    I'm curious, my husband is constantly getting stomach pains if he eats certain things, and he's CONSTANTLY downing Pepsi's and chocolate junk. Would you mind saying what the name of the parasite is? I've looked and looked, both online and my nursing books for a medical cause, but never thought of the possibility of a parasite, and I can't drag his butt to the doctor, unless he's on his deathbed! Would certainly appreciate it! Thank you!!! :smile:

    Hi :-)
    It was H. Pylori. Your husband should be checked for it. You can be infected and still have a negative test result. I was tested several times, has scopes down my throat many times, and even had to eat a radioactive egg and sit there as they tracked it being digested. For 8 years I was treated like I was crazy. It got to the point that I was so loaded with carbs in my body that I kept getting swellings and infections. I was at work and the side of my face started swelling, and I thought oh great another freaky I left work and went to a walk in clinic and was so lucky that the doctor I saw was familiar with my condition and knew exactly what was wrong by seeing me. Even knew what food I was living on. I could have cried with relief. My organs were packed with carbs and my body bloated with it. Normally it takes 2 weeks of a combination of antibiotics to kill the parasites, but it took me a month because I'd had it so long. I was told I should be dead from stroke or heart attack because my blood tests were unreal. My insulin was through the roof (luckily no organ damage), my cholesterol was super high, and my triglycerides were 1000 times higher than normal. He couldn't understand how I was still alive. He said the fat in my blood was so bad that it was like congealed gravy in a fridge. What is your husband's stomach pain like? For me it was literally like a knife was thrust into me and twisted round and round. And this came on sudden. And from eating at a restaurant. I can't eat out......I'm too afraid of getting it again. Apparently 50% of us are infected with it but have no symptoms or's only a very small percent, like myself, that get really sick. It's definitely worth getting your husband tested just in case, because if it is H. Pylori, the pain and sickness will get worse. :flowerforyou:

    Actually, H. Pylori is a bacteria, not a parasite. A parasite is like a bug, such as a tapeworm. There's lots of parasites that do nasty and gross stuff, but H. Pylori is actually a bacteria, that was somewhat recently found to cause stomach ulcers and gastritis. So basically, you must have had ulcers or gastritis that were causing you problems, unless you had H. Pylori and a parasite, too. I've considered that my husband could have a stomach ulcer, but he's never complained of indegestion or acid reflux, (aka regurgitation). Fatty foods probably made your stomach hurt more because of the ulcers, since fat sits in your stomach longer. I still think this is his problem. Did you ever have indigestion, (heartburn) or reflux?

    Also, I wouldn't worry about "catching" it by eating out. Studies show that H. Pylori is actually genetic, although I don't completely understand it myself, since it is a bacteria. But, you should be able to eat out sometimes. Besides, if you did wind up getting it again, atleast you would know what the symptoms are, and would be able to just take a round of antibiotics again. :smile:
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Recovering from an eating disorder after 5 years. My metabolism was shot. Also the dietitian whose goal was just to get me to eat anything fattening to get me to a normal weight and didn't help me learn how to eat right. Add depression associated with my manic depression and a bunch of anti-depressants and mood stabilizers known for weight gain (Zyprexa, Seroquel, Depakote, lithium) into the mix and that's how I went from under 100lbs to over 190lbs in a year.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Because people think that losing weight involves a diet of chicken and broccoli only. LOL@ can't hit 1200. Try hitting 4000.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Because people think that losing weight involves a diet of chicken and broccoli only. LOL@ can't hit 1200. Try hitting 4000.

    I hit that before I started in on the desserts at christmas dinner...
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    If I can eat 2000 calories or more a day and still eat healthy I'm pretty sure people can hit 1200. Eating healthy isn't just living on salads and low calorie foods folks.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    My meals have always been on the small to moderate size. However, I used to mindlessly graze all afternoon on things like a bite of peanut butter, a pinch of trail mix, a handful of chips, etc, etc, then repeat. I have no idea how many calories I was consuming, but since I reached a high of 207 pounds, I can only assume it was a lot. As I've conquered my mindless grazing habit, I'm left with my usual small to moderate meals, and I've been coming in just under 1200 calories most days.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I have no problem meeting my cal goal for the day, even with 300-700 cals of exercise but then I haven't completely removed any foods I love from my diet, just moderated them. I ate peanut brittle last night. Loved it. Oh, and I love peanut butter, so if I want something with more calories but don't feel like a "treat", I'll have some PB and an apple. For me it's easy. I hope others are able to find what works for them and hopefully without only eating things you only sorta like.