help! thighs

i have really muscular thighs because im a dancer
this is really annoying and this is the only area that annoys me!

is there anything i could do to make them leaner?


  • blueberrybox
    i have really muscular thighs because im a dancer
    this is really annoying and this is the only area that annoys me!

    is there anything i could do to make them leaner?
  • wildliikchildren
    I'd like the same answer! My calfs are wayy too muscular. They need to be leaner
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Watch professional or collegiate athletics on t.v.

    You will notice that none of them have "supermodel" legs, rather, our legs! I'm pretty proud to be in that class.... just means I can kick the model's butt! :laugh:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    Nothing. Embrace your healthy legs! That's what I had to do.
    When I was 13, my track coach said (while glaring at my legs): "You got some big legs. You should throw shot put."
    What I heard: YOU ARE FAT.

    Anyway, I probably should have listened and actually tried shot put. But I didn't. Oh, well. Now I'll never know if that could have been my springboard to Olympic greatness...or something.
    I've come to terms with having big, muscular legs and that's just the way they are (my dad is built the exact same way and so is his mother - we can't help our genes!).

    Enjoy your strong legs!
    (And sometimes when I find myself watching some skinny models on TV I imagine how far my legs could punt them.)
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I was a sprinter in high school and have always had bigger thighs. Look at them as representing strength and health, not fatness.
  • kelpie06
    kelpie06 Posts: 93 Member
    Amen to everything said here. I used to hate my butt, hips and thigh area until I read something somewhere on the Internet about starting to love your "problem" areas. I made a big effort to do that. I spend extra time putting cream on the area that I like a little less, I do extra exercises to tone that area, etc. And it has helped. I still focus on that part of my body when I look in the mirror, but now I try to see improvements to my nice strong legs and I've stopped wishing I had somebody elses's legs.

    Just think J-lo insures her buttocks for millions!!!