newcomer in need of some advice! =)

I'm new to MFP and would really appreciate some help! First, I walk my puppy 2x a day sometimes 3 for about an hour each time. Do I input this into my diary?
Also, I'm currently 146 pounds and want to get down to 130. I started out at 1200 calories (jusy started on mon btw) but now am not sure if this is too low?! I'm 5'2". I've been trying to read up on it all but am still a bit confused! How many calories should I be eating to lose weight? Help please! Thanks! =)


  • emlopezc
    emlopezc Posts: 9
    Hey there!
    Yes yes yes! Input those walks into your diary! Every little bit counts! I think aslong as you are eating below 1500 calories per day you will be losing weight. If you feel like 1200 calories isn't enough to sustain you and you feel dizzy or lightheaded go ahead and eat a little bit more. Its more important to be healthy than to starve yourself! If you need a friend for advice or support feel free to add me! :)
  • mari5283
    mari5283 Posts: 28
    Thanks for the response! I will definitely add you!
  • tallnsexy
    tallnsexy Posts: 22 Member
    Yes everything counts! I went under the exercise list and just looked at all the different activities that count. It's so much stuff, can you believe certain games on the wii counts. Definitly don't short yourself on the exercises you do. Also to loose weight you gotta do some activites that raise your heart rate to speed up your metabloism. walking the dog is great (and it is an option under your cardiovascular tab) but your body will get use to that, try some exercise videos or classes, or jog with the dog too. you got trick your body a little so you keep burning fat. My best advice I can give is don't cheat on your diary, because cheating will only hurt your weight lose. Just remember to add everything to your diary, people often leave out sauces like ketchup and ranch and the calories in those things can add up. So to make sure you are really staying in your calorie goals be sure to add thhose things. And for your calorie intake go in and set your goals and the MFP website will adjust your calorie intake to what you need to safely loose weight and then once you start loosing weight go back and update your goals so it will readjust to the new information
  • shenitamo
    shenitamo Posts: 147 Member
    There is a "walking the dog" exercise and you can decide your pace. I do it all of the time. Count it! And welcome! Feel free to friend me :-)
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    If you enter your excerise your daily allowance will increase, which makes life a lot easier!
  • _CiaoParis
    _CiaoParis Posts: 166
    Walking your dogs = great exercise!! Definately add it in your diary. Feel free to add me!
  • threasarenee
    threasarenee Posts: 78 Member
    Just wanted to explain that whatever MFP sets you up as on your calorie intake to be able to lose PLZ remember that you need AT LEAST 1200 NET calories. That is the calories you eat MINUS the calories you burn! This will help your body sustain itself!!!! So say you eat 1500 calories but burn off 600 calories exercising then you are only NETTING 900 calories and NEED to eat 300 more calories....if your body can. Some days depending on what you are eating you just cant eat that much :)
    Now depending on what you put as your activity level, then that will affect what you should count as exersice. If you put seditary then by all means count ANYTHING out of your normal routine as exercise. BUT if you have a higher activity level, then I wouldnt add things you are already doing. I myself would count the walks! :)
    Hope this helps you some. Wishing you the best :)
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    You should do a little research on basal or resting metabolism, which is the amount of calories you're burning just to stay alive. You can have it measured professionally (about $70) or just use one of the calculators from the internet. There's one on this site, actually. Once you have that number, you can start figuring out how many calories to cut and how many calories to add with exercise. That's essentially what MPF does when it assigns you a calorie intake. It makes a guess at your RMR based on your age/height/weight and then subtracts the amount of calories necessary to meet your weekly weight loss goal.

    The other posters are quite right that you can only take dieting so far. You have to get enough food to take care of yourself. Just remember it's a gradual process and don't get too upset if you run into some setbacks here and there. Good luck!
  • mari5283
    mari5283 Posts: 28
    Thanks for the great info, especially about adding the little things like sauces and such! I hadn't thought about that!
  • mari5283
    mari5283 Posts: 28
    Thanks everyone! =)