How do you get yourself going?



  • brendacooks
    brendacooks Posts: 103 Member
    When I first started it was just pure bloody-mindedness. I made up my mind and I did it - even though I didn't like it! (and I was so out of shape it was really hard!) BUT something happened... Something wonderful (and I mean that word - something that leaves me full of wonder). My ability changed. It got easier. My body felt different. More able. More free. Faster, Stronger. Lighter... and I REALLY like feeling that way. So now, I am motivated because I don't EVER want to feel like the fat, ugly, out of shape cow used to feel like. I love how i am able to run up the stairs at my gym. It makes me smile - EVERY TIME! I love how I can race around the track in half the time I used to. I love that I can think about things while I sweat away on the elliptical because I am not counting down the minutes till it's over. I love that I am so much smaller than when I started. But I am not there yet. I have a long way to go. And I want to get there. So, i exercise and I look ahead. I'm almost half-way there. It amazes me - and I like it!
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm someone that cannot stop. If I have a true rest day, the following day is HARD. So, I get in good workouts 6 days a week, and get in some nice stretchy yoga on day 7? This way, I just have a routine down, and stick with it. I also plan tomorrow's workout today. It's easier torepare mentally when I have some idea of what's coming.
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    Update for everyone that suggested finding a workout buddy: AWESOME. One of my friends invited me on a guest pass and we did this dance class together. I was a little apprehensive going in, but once it started, I didn't care what other people thought - I was totally in the zone and an hour blew by. I am so excited! I may have just found something that gets me going! Now I just have to convince my husband that I am committed enough to join... and hopefully get him on board too!