Am I really obsessed with weight lose or exercising?

I'm working out with T.J and H.H.A daily among other workouts. I workout 7 days a week and almost all of the time I workout 3 or more time in a day. I know this might be a bit obsessive but on my rest day I try to just workout once. I never used to workout @ all (probably why I got FAT; along with skipping meals) and to become obsessed with losing weight/exercising is something new to me. When I started my journey in Sept 08 I was weighing 225lbs. I worked out some maybe 30 mins aday but I didn't really get serious/obsessed til Jan 19, 2009. I now weight 175 as of 6/6/09 :happy: . I'm so very pleased that I have lost my 1st 50lbs:love: so I have 65 more to go:drinker: . I'm almost half way there. I burn twice as much as I take in; so should I be eating more of my exercise calories even though I’m not hungry? I don't really see myself going into starvation mode because I had another me inside of me in just fat alone. I probably won’t ever use all of them but as of right now the most exercise calories I’ve take in is like 200 in a day but not often. I've read the threads about exercise calories but that isn't my main concern right now but I would like to know what everyone else things. Thanks in advance for all your help!!

Much success to all of us!!


  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    exercising 3x/day seems obsessive to me, unless you're an elite athlete training for something. but i'm no expert.

    your success is great but moderation , slowand steady win the race.

    be well :flowerforyou:
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm no athlete (elite or otherwise)...I'm only training to lose weight, body fat and get healthy. As of 6/8/09 I will be cutting it down to twice a day because I'm starting school. I'm losing like 3 sometimes 4 lbs a week. I was morbidly obese when I started I'm now obese. I'm also only 4'11" with lots of fat around my mid-section.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    While I'm not an expert I would say that you are exercising to much. 7 days a week and 3 ( even 2 times a day) seems like to much. Your body needs to have some rest to give your muscles time to recover.

    You might be losing weight but you still need to take care of your body. I like what Stacy said, slow & steady wins the race. It also helps you to learn how to maintain the loss after you reach your goal.
  • soggysox
    soggysox Posts: 18
    I know how difficult it is to get to your ideal weight if you're "virtically challenged" lol...I'm 4 ft 10.5 (the .5 makes ALL the difference lol) and my goal is similar to yours. There comes a point where cutting down calories just won't work on its own you have to excercise but to be honest I think you may be over doing it a little.
    Once a day for an Hour with one rest day a week should do it or you'll start to injure yourself. Don't get obsessed...obsession with dieting and excercise can be just as damaging as over eating... Address your emotional as well as physical challenges!
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    I eat my net calories...I just don't eat that many of my exercise calories. I will try to not workout quite as much. I just enjoy the workouts that I do so it don't feel like I'm exercising. So maybe that's why I do them so much. But I will definitely try to cut down.

    Thanks for all your help/advice...keep it coming all is welcomed.

    Much success to all of us!!
  • QueenVictoria68
    QueenVictoria68 Posts: 12 Member
    when i first started back in may 2008 i weighed 170 i was doing aerobics an hour a day i walk an hour a day ride my bike 30 mins a day and do water aerobics 30 mins a day did that till jan 2009 then i went to just 30 mins to an hour of aerobics a day and a 30 min walk a day . now i am down to 115 i still watch what i eat. i say if u can do it go for it
  • strongandfit
    strongandfit Posts: 231
    Hi Juicey1401 After reading your orignial first post in this thread. What struck me was you remembered specifically the date when you started exercising lots and lots was Jan 19,2009. So I went and read your entire profile just now. Juicey1401 perhaps it's good to re-read your own profile many many times and find out what is it that happened between the time you ordered Tony Horton's 10 minute trainer and you were exercising 3x a week until Jan.19th when you were exercising 7x a wk ( 3x/day). Take good care of yourself Juicey1401. Take good care. :flowerforyou:
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    QueenVictoria68, I definitely watch what I eat...I even log in a piece of gum. I don't want to be obsessed just healthy, fit and in shape. I don't feel tire or worn out. I actually have more energy to complete my days now. I do listen to my body and if I'm not feeling 100% during my workout I will generally finish that session and call it a day.

    Strongandfit, I was always working out 7 days but only 30 mins a day b4 Dec and that is when I missed the whole month (Dec). Then in Jan is when I really got serious.

    Thanks to everyone for your advice and suggestions.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Well there are a couple of things....first, how long are you working out each time? If you are working out biggest loser style fo r 5 or more hours a day you need to know that it is going to be very hard to maintain that kind of schedule long term.

    There have been many studies on the effects of exercise and participants were asked to workout for 60 minutes, 90 minutes and some were asked to workout in 2-3 30 minute sessions a day. The people that worked out 2-3 30 minute sessions a day had the same if not better results than the other longer workouts. Researchers believe it is because your stamina is equal for all 2-3 workouts and long workouts tend to exhaust so the last 30 minuets of their workouts are not as strong as the first 30.

    My running magazine actually is promoting two a day runs at least 8 hours a part. So if your workouts are short and mighty then you should be fine. Your enthusiasm is great and eating right is going to be important. You should think about slowing your weight loss, I know it sounds awful right now, but slow and steady has a better chance of maintaining than fast and furious. 2 lbs a week is considered aggressive and you may want to get closer to that goal to insure you are getting all the fuel to continue your journey in a healthy manner.

    Also, I highly suggest you read Tami's secret to skinny. She has lost 135 lbs and she gives pretty sound advice and now pregnant with baby #2 she is managing her weight through pregnancy so I think she must be pretty good at this :wink:

    Good luck, stay proud you have accomplished a great deal so far! :flowerforyou:
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    I usually workout for 1hr. 15 mins a session with 8 hrs between the 1st and 2nd and then again 5-6 hours later. I just don't think I could eat 3500 calories in a day (not healthily). But I will try to either up my calories or cut down on my workouts.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I usually workout for 1hr. 15 mins a session with 8 hrs between the 1st and 2nd and then again 5-6 hours later.

    As long as you are taking care of yourself, listening to your body and stopping if you injure yourself and you are prepared that when you go back to school in the fall that your workouts may decrease a little or a lot then you should be fine.

    The only thing that usually sidelines someone is not eating right or injury. Injury can set you back, just take care of yourself and go for it. :love:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I think like this. Before cars and other machinery, we as humans had to work a lot harder. Even doing a load of laundry involved walking, carrying, pounding, hanging, and so on.

    If you think about a farmer. He/she awakes at 4 am, feeds the pigs, chickens etc, milks the cow, carries all these buckets around. Then eats a good breakfast at 6 am, only to go back out and lift, throw, bend, one tells him.."ah, ah, only 1 time a day for you mister!"

    so exercise my dear, enjoy the workouts. dont over do and stop if you feel yoru getting burned out.

    but you must EAT and fuel that engine. you may not know it, but you have muscle now and it needs to be fed!!

    I eat 1/2 my cals. I also go 1 week no extra cals, 1 week with the exercise cals. So good luck and WOW I wish I had your energy!!

    :heart: Jeannie
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    I actually am going to school for the summer so I am prepared to not workout as much at home but ride the bus so I will have to walk a little way to the school so that should be okay. I do listen to my body and if I'm not feeling 100% on any day I will finish the session and call it a day. I will definitely read Tami's thread cause she is an inspiration and motivation.
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member

    (I will try this) I eat 1/2 my cals. I also go 1 week no extra cals, 1 week with the exercise cals.

    But on the weeks with exercise cals; I will probably workout 2x/day. I guess I'm kind of like a farmer...I get up @ 4:30 so I can meet my workout buddies at 5, have breakfast between 7-8, then I handle other business, morning snack 10, lunch 12, workout at 1, snack 2:30 and my last meal is no later then 5 (protein smoothie) and the last workout is @ 6. My life schedule will change a little starting 2morrow. School starts but I will still be able to get my morning workout in.
  • kvcarden
    kvcarden Posts: 175
    I admire your dedication to exercising...I wish I could say I feel the same! I agree with not eating all of your calories/exercise calories. I say this because MFP has me on a track of losing 1.5 lbs a week which I think is a bit too slow....I'll never make it into a swimsuit before summer is over at MFP's rate! People on the Biggest Loser show lose 10+ pounds in a week (under dr supervision of course) but never-the-less we all have different metabolism levels & it takes more exercise for some than others so as long as YOU are listening to YOUR body and know YOUR own personal limits I say do what works for YOU...if I had your motivation and dedication I'd definitely workout more than I do!

    Congrats on the 50 lb lost :bigsmile:
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    Thank you so very much for your support.

    Much success to all of us!!