BMR??? I don't know what to use?

So MFP says that I should be eating 1200 calories a day. I am a 32 year old female, 5'2 and weigh 185 pounds. I've seen a lot of people talk about their BMR. Should I be going on another site it fugure my total colorie intake? I just want to know what to consume without exercize. (I DO workout--just want to know what my baseline should be). I've been a weight watcher for a long time and I've never had to count calories. HELP!????


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    mfp has the bmr tool too, it is lower then any other i have used.. not sure why? go to and check it out.
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    mfp has the bmr tool too, it is lower then any other i have used.. not sure why? go to and check it out.

    That's where I went, too...

    My BRM was just above 1500 calories (and BMR is, from my understanding how many calories your body needs to basically sleep all day), but my TDEE (from what I understand TDEE is the amount to maintain my current weight) was around 2000 (at the sendentary level)...I just upped my calories to 1500 since I was at around 1350 before--didn't want to shock my system too bad and start gaining back! Still lost about a pound this past week after upping my calories...

    There are a lot of great threads on this site to look at if you're interested in learning more--just search under BMR and TDEE...I'm sure tons will pop right up...