feeling very stuck...

I've been on my journey since January and am feeling like this is never gonna happen. I have lost 10 lbs which I should be very proud of, but it's hard to continue when I still have over 50 to go. I feel like, as my wonderful husband says, "I'm pissing on a forest fire". In other words, yeah I've done well by losing 10 lbs but with so much to go it feels like it will never happen. I need to hear from some others in my position, people who have lost what feels like a whole person! I am tired of feeling like I've been working so hard for this long, and still have so far to go. Any help/words of wisdom would be appriciated!


  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    What about setting mini goals? That way they are more attainable. For example, lose one pound a week. Set a reward for each x number of pounds or inches lost. For example 5 lbs, a new workout top, 10 pounds, new eye shadow or lipstick. I love this quote: "Never reward yourself with food - you're not a dog!"

    I try to remember that in six months I can weigh less than I do today. Or, I can do nothing and weigh the same or more.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    You should be very happy for those 10 pounds! Think fo it like this... It could be 10 pounds you never had the motivation to lose and you could still be carrying it around.

    I also have 50 pounds that I want to lose. I have only lost 5 so far. But I have broken it down into little goals. If you look at my page I have posted my first weight goal as 165 (which is 5% of my start weight of 174. From there I broke it down to 10%, 15%, and then my goal of 20%.

    It seems so much more attainable when you break it down. I only have 5 more pounds until I reach my first goal!
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    I've lost a bit more than you, at nearly 2 stone, but I can't see the slightest difference:( Still got such a long way to go, but I tell myself that I AM 2 stone less than I was and that is definitely a good thing, whatever!

    I remind myself that my weight is (mostly) going in the right direction, and that this is going to be a long haul lifestyle change, not another flash in the pan "tried that, failed, given up" fad.

    I tell myself how much fitter & healthier I am getting. Sometimes I even feel it LOL (not right now with a horrible cold, all the kids at home and no time/motivation to exercise....)

    And occasionally I look around me at the "really" obese people I see and think about what will happen if I give up......
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Congratulations on the first ten pounds!

    The only words of wisdom I have are not very wise: Stick with it.

    Every pound you lose is a pound closer to a healthier, longer-living, happier "you". The benefits will last the rest of your life, so take your time and do it right.

    This coming from a guy who is still 20+ pounds from a weight loss that started ten years and 60+ pounds ago... But I've taken too many "vacations" from weight loss along the way, and I've finally decided to set a goal that will get me to a healthy weight once and for all.
  • finchest
    finchest Posts: 245 Member
    Every pound you lose is a pound closer to a healthier, longer-living, happier "you". The benefits will last the rest of your life, so take your time and do it right.

    exactly what i needed to hear today. feeling the same way as the OP. thanks, folks - for offering perfect words at a difficult time. it's easy to feel motivated when the weight is just coming off, but it sucks when you're working hard but seeing or feeling little to no progress.
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    I also feel stuck sometimes, but I like to think of it this way: If I quit now, in a year how will I look/feel? If I don't quit now and keep going, how will I look/feel in a year?

    I don't look at this as short term. When I reach my goal, I will continue to work out and eat healthy because it feels amazing and it will help me to keep my shape so I don't balloon out again.

    Don't obsess. Just keep doing it because it feels great, and one day, the scale will move or you will feel looser clothes or someone you haven't seen in a while will say you lost weight and you will know it was all worthwhile.
  • skelly0022
    I like you, feel defeated sometimes..I have been walking 3 to 7 miles at least 3 to 4 times a week..sometimes more. most of this walk is hills..big hills...everyone tells me muscle weighs more than fat....bla bla bla....BUT...I plug on cuz I know I am way healthier than I was before I started....At 52....that is most important.....my 23 year old daughter did my walk with me....she told dad that I kicked her *kitten*....I LOVE IT...SO....KEEP IT UP.....change your mindset.....go healthy and the weight will come :)
  • kmarti
    kmarti Posts: 5
    Thank you all for your amazing words and support! It's great to know that there are others out there who feel the same way I do. I know that I just need to keep with it and focus on the way I feel, the changes I have seen and my goal of a healthier happier me down the road. I found a quote this morning that made me feel better..."A year from now you will wish you started today". Keeping my chin up, putting the chips down, and setting smaller goals for myself (thanks for that suggestion!) to keep myself on track. THANK YOU ALL!! :heart:
  • dabears6352
    dabears6352 Posts: 34 Member
    I can relate! I'm so close to giving up. Here's the short version. I've been going to Zumba 3 times a week and a boot camp class twice a week for 6 weeks. Watching what I eat, not going over 1200 calories per day. Have lost 6 pounds and ZERO inches. Ugh..... I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.