Success doing low-carb!! =)

I am thinking of doing low carb, I can honestly give up the grains and bread for a while and stick to veggies, lean proteins... but I would love to hear some success stories on low-carb, how many grams of carbs did you eat and when or how long did you start to notice weight loss?


  • meggiewes
    meggiewes Posts: 19
    I don't have any pictures but I have a recent experience to cutting my carbs. After watching the documentary "Fat Head" and reading up on the Paleo diet because I was curious and like to learn stuff, I decided to try cutting out some of my carbs. I cut out mostly extra bread and dry cereal.

    The first few days, I didn't feel that good because I was re-learning what to eat again. I also had to teach myself to eat breakfast again. But after those first three or so days, I felt better and I lost a little more weight that week. The week after I didn't purposely avoid extra bread and cereal, but I found that when I ate more of them, I lost energy faster and I felt bloated and big.

    Now, I am somewhere in the middle. I'm not actively doing low-carb but I'm not worried about eating it if I want some. The main thing is that I eat less bread. I have a sandwich maybe once a week or maybe a slice of pizza or two. If I want rice, I'll eat rice. I haven't even wanted any pasta, but if I did I would have a small bowl. I mostly try to eat more veggies because they are good for me and help fill me up.

    I think the best thing is to not focus so much on the numbers and just experiment. Your body will tell you what is the best for you, but you won't know what that is until you try it.
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    I'm an old old carb girl. I'm 63. This is the only diet that has ever worked for me. I can tell you that if you stick to 60 carbs a day or less, you will loose weight. The post above me mentions Atkins. That is an excellent program. He starts you out on the induction phase at 20 carbs a day. Then he adds back after the first two weeks.

    I also learned from the Atkins diet that once you are on for a few days the cravings leave. And another thing that helps with cravings is the use of Fish oil as recommended by the Atkins site above. I do use the fish oil. I take 2400 grams in the morning and another 2400 grams at night. That is two tabs twice a day. It sure works for me. Friend me if you like. I wish you the best and if I can help let me know.