mommy of 3... returning MFP member

xicadi Posts: 3 Member
Ok so I was a MFP member in 2010 and I love the fact that I can keep a journal of the food I eat and the program its free. I am a mother of 3 and after last baby that was born in Dec I have not stop gaining weight. Until recently I decided to do something about it. I have decided to eat healthier and added exercise to my life. I can say I have a busy life but that can not be an excuse for bad eating habits. I also started on this shake called Body by Vi, so if anyone is taking the shame shake let me know what your results are like .I’ve only used it for almost two weeks and so far I can say I like it.I am looking forward to becoming healthier me FINALLY! I can easily eat healthy but to many days I fall into the temptation of eating fast food for lunch and many days I have no time to cook home meals .A kind advise is always welcome specially from those moms that some how manage time to do it all! : )


  • tayla78
    tayla78 Posts: 25 Member
    I have 2 young kids and I'm working part time. I wasn't losing weight either after having my son until I came on here in October last year and started eating better and exercising. I have to admit my husband is a shift worker and so he has found time to help with the healthy meals a lot which has been great. Feel free to add me as a friend :-)