I have been a dieter for years up and down. I only ever have the 5 kilos to lose, (i range between 62-65kg) and recently I quit smoking and got up to 65.5. So for the last 4 weeks or so have been counting calories (1200-1300 a day), exercising daily, bought a HRM and everything. Weighed myself yesterday 66kg! Thought maybe it was water so again weighed myself this morning, 66kg! I feel so depressed. Dont know what to do. To make matters worse i have been having a smoke everyday to make myself feel better. Very umotivated. I know Im a healthy weight, but I feel like i am doing all this work for nothing.


  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    I understand your frustration! I've been so good about keeping under my calorie goal and after a week of nicely dropping about 1/2 pound a day, all of a sudden the scale jumped up 2 pounds! I almost felt like giving it up and eating an entire pizza! But I do notice my clothes are fitting a bit better, so I know I'm losing fat. If you're exercising a lot more than before, you may be gaining some lean muscle mass - and t hat's a very good thing! So don't give up! Keep with the program! I will, if you will! I also know it's very hard to give up smoking - even tougher while dieting! Maybe it will help to set a short-term goal, like maybe a clothing item you would love to be able to wear if you can just lose a few inches. I have a pair of pants in my closet that remind me where I want to be. Once you reach that goal, celebrate! And then set another. I think baby steps works the best for most of us. Weight loss is a tricky beast, but we can't let it win!
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks! I just feel like Im getting bigger but following the rules. I would love more muscle and know thats good for me but really feel like somethings wrong. hmm
  • Sometimes it's just takes time. I know that's a crappy answer. lol And like the previous poster said, you may be gaining some muscle, which weighs more than fat. And that, of course, would be awesome! Best of luck to you!!
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    i have been fighting the same 1lb up and down for the past 2 weeks....its frustrating because i have only lost 7lb in 2 mths and seems like everyone else is just shrinking daily....but my clothes are fitting much better (actually i am down one size) and i know that i have gained muscle tone and shape from the exercising so i am willing to drudge along . from what i read on here its much harder to lose when you only have a small amount to drop, your not alone so dont give up :)
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Yeah, being a dieter since I was 19 (27 now) I have always had success with this aproach to weight loss. It just wont budge this time.... also, trying to lose weight when you are in the healthy range is bloody hard. But seriously, it has always worked for me before. The fact that Im GAINING is a problem. I looked up on the net and there is the theory that you can have a 'yeast overgrowth' in the gut that makes you crave sugar and also prevents weight loss. Causes constipation too which I have been suffering from even eating plenty of fibre full foods... Don't know if thats it.... very frustrated....