


  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    When you run your first run your adrenaline is pumping and you go longer and faster than usual. Know several people including myself that set a PR when they ran on race day as opposed to just a normal exercise run. Try not to be so hard on yourself. You don't have to do this for anyone but yourself. Set a PR time for yourself and try and beat it next run. Just have fun with it. I was really nervous about it my first time out and now I am like why was I so nervous. I was so pumped after I wanted to run more. Running on a treadmill is different than running outside. Best of luck and you can do it!!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    The very same thing happened to me. Monday ran outside after doing treadmill in 37min previously. Couldn't get 5 min. Very frustrating. Today I tried again and did much better. I guess we just need to get used to doing it w/o our crutch (the treadmill). We can do this. When I started , I couldn't even walk a half mile. Just another bump in the road. Good luck to you.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I agree with everyone above, much different outside than on the treadmill. I can run 30 min straight on a treadmill with no issues but I had to start from scratch pretty much when I started outside. I'm now on week 5 and I a bit nervous about the 20 minute run at the end of this week. Lol.

    I would definitely start with some intervals and really watch your pacing, go as slow as you need to in order to keep your breath and just work for distance and not time.
  • Nickiii_123
    Nickiii_123 Posts: 134 Member
    **I tried posting earlier but my server lost connection and it deleted what I had written....whoops. I won't re-type because it pretty similar to what others have been posting lol.

    I will say though: Good for you for completing the program! Keep up the good work and good luck on your first race :)
  • goddessang
    Like the others said...treadmills are a completely different animal than running outside. Plus--you will have up and down days--don't dwell on the down--be happy that you finished your workout, no matter how you did it! :-) Personally, each time I did a new distance of a race, my ONLY goals were to show up at the starting line--and the finish line. That's it. Start and Finish. Time--what's that? Repeat races at a particular distance I will have a general goal time, but then the courses are different, so I'm not too literal with my goals, unless it's the same course I've done before.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Walk, run or crawl... you made it 5K!!! Congratulations!
    Could you have done that a couple of weeks ago?
  • aspethe
    aspethe Posts: 15 Member
    the same thing happened to me ....I ran 5k on the mill in abt 30 min avg.. but took me about 40 when i ran outdoor the first time. Read a few tips online.. run slow..really slow...slow enough to have a conversion...slowly build up your pace.. this is what i did...it took me 2-3 runs to acclimatize but now I'm back to 30 min outdoors and I run 95% of the distance.
    Keep working on it...you'll get there i guess..and rest for 1 day between 2 runs.
  • RunChristyRun
    RunChristyRun Posts: 72 Member
    The app that I use outside is iMapMyRun. I set it to alert me every five minutes...the default is every minute and I didn't like that. I also have Pandora jamming in the background. Happy running! :)
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Don't be discouraged! The first time I took running outside it was a hell of a transition. There's wind, there's hills, there's a difference in terrain. I only got 15 minutes in and had to stop, and I was so upset, but just keep at it--you'll adjust! Almost a year post-C25K I loathe treadmill running and would rather do five miles in the rain (and have, on numerous occasions) than shackle myself to that machine. (I'm also a half-marathoner now. Seriously, running outdoors will grow on you.)