Reverse Psychology

I know this is going to sound crazy but it really helps and it may help others. While I am at the gym sweating it out on the the elliptical I watch the Food Network. . . . I know you are probably thinking I am nuts, but I find that it really works to keep me motivated. You see most of the people on the Food Network are over weight so I push myself to finish my workout and kick butt so I don't look like that. By the time I am done I feel great about myself and have convinced myself that I don't need sweets or anything that will put the calories back on that I just working off.

This take will power to do but I'm telling you it really helps me stay on track.


  • Myweightlossdiary
    Myweightlossdiary Posts: 185 Member
    That doesn't sound crazy at all to me! I do weird stuff like that too. As long as you aren't focusing on the foods they are cooking, you're fine. =)

    I'm a firm believer in finding what works for you. It may not work for someone else just like it does for you, but it's awesome that you found a motivating in watching the food network channel. The title of your post is fitting as well. Haha! So does that mean you are tricking yourself? =^.^=

    Best wishes to you!